Dear Reader:
Like most holidays… Thanksgiving stares back at us all month through the ” coming up” date marked on our November calendar. And then ” suddenly” it appears and then disappears as quickly as a sunbeam.
It is up to us… to pause amid the food and clatter to look around and ” feel” Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I will share some of those moments with you that I discovered and put to memory.
But today-Thanksgiving Day-I want to share a ” Manifesto” with you… not just any manifesto but one I felt such an affinity to after the first time I read it. As a lifelong history teacher most manifestos seem more political than an expression of personal values but the definition of a manifesto simply means … a written statement of an individual or group’s beliefs and aims.
Magnolia Magazine’s (Joanna Gaines) Magnolia Manifesto is so profoundly written that I find myself checking off each belief every time I read it in acknowledgment of our shared values ( and wish our ‘house and senate’ had similar goals and aims for our country. )
We believe in home, that it should restore us from today and ready us for tomorrow.We believe in friendship, because friends who feel like family are the best kind of friends, and that nothing matters more than family.
We believe in seeking the balance between hustle and rest and learning to find contentment in both. We believe everyone deserves a seat at the table and everyone has a story worth telling.
We believe in human kindness , knowing we are made better when we all work together. We believe in courage, in cartwheeling past our comfort zones and trying something a little bit scary every day.
We believe that failure needn’t be a negative thing; rather, we learn from our mistakes and fail smarter next time. We believe in doing good work that matters and, in choosing that, nudging others toward doing the same.
We believe that newer isn’t always better and that it’s time for the pendulum of trend to swing back to the basics. We believe in unearthing beauty, however hidden or subtle it might be.
We believe that each day is a gift and that every day miracles are scattered about if only we have eyes to see. And of all heroic pursuits large or small. We believe there may be none greater than a life well loved.
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving weekend! So, much seems to happen during this long weekend for us in South Carolina. We gather with Family and have a feast and give thanks for our blessings given from God, Life, Family, Health and quantity of all things big and small. To know these blessings, one has but to stop and look around at the small things, flowers still blooming and some just beginning to bloom! Our birds, and we have birds that never seem to leave from our very own Carolina Wrenns to resident Cardinals, to some of the small Winter birds as I call them, our Sparrows, and the more ominous like our Hawks, Crows, and the Owls that let themselves know in the dead of night. My biggest blessing outside of our Lord and Savior, is I was born and raised right here in the Low Country and no matter where I go, no matter how beautiful the places I have seen were, the beauty my Low Country is always the best and I am truly blessed to be a Sand Lapper, a Greenwave, and a Palmetto Moon gazer! And all the friends I know and have known from lifelong to recent are a big part of the blessing of being here, home, now and forever part of my beloved South Carolina! Have a truly blessed Thanksgiving Mrs. Dingle, one of my more recent Family Members!
Happy Thanksgiving to you sweet friend…