Category Archives: Uncategorized

Camellias…Southern Gardens’ Christmas Gifts

Dear Reader: In spite of the overcast chilly weather yesterday … it was a joyful day! Anne, Donna, and I drove to Ridgeville to get barbecue at Duke’s …. part of Anne’s belated barbecue birthday present. The little town was … Continue reading

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The Secret of Christmas Jars of Love

Dear Reader: Yesterday was the 20th Summerville MS Christmas Luncheon-Elizabeth Peterson, has been the on-going President of the chapter for all that time, but she stepped down officially at the end of the luncheon and was recognized in a special … Continue reading

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Looking For Christmas Decorations… Try ” FRAMILY”

Dear Reader: It has occurred to me this year that Christmas would not be the same if we removed, not only family, from the core of the Christmas season, but also ” framily”… chosen friends who complete our lives each … Continue reading

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Give Peace a Chance…

Dear Reader: My “Pray for Ukraine” flag is a little more battered than when I first put it out but it is still standing proudly in front of the pear tree by the street. This Christmas,for many Ukrainians, will be … Continue reading

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Christmas is not for the Timid of Heart…

Dear Reader: Quinn Caldwell, author of All I Really Want… proclaims ” I mean , this is Christmas we’re talking about , people! Christmas! The day that unto us a child was born!!! The day that made all of heaven … Continue reading

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“Time is Money” … Not!

Dear Reader: A few weeks ago Brooke and I went ” antiquing” in Walterboro… and had such a good time! In one store a little book (literally 6 ” by 6″ ) was seating on a table. I took one … Continue reading

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Creating Santa Claus

Dear Reader: What Charles Dickens did to revive celebrating Christmas in England ( holiday was sparsely celebrated in his day) by his memorable tale in A Christmas Carol, German immigrant and political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, did to create the image … Continue reading

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Making Room for Christmas Change

Dear Reader: Quinn Caldwell, in his usual witty and ” right on target” outlooks on life started his December meditation commenting ” Sometimes I think we ask too much of home.” At Christmas it is supposed to smell constantly of … Continue reading

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” Make the Chili!”

Dear Reader: Yesterday Kaitlyn sent me today’s story and as fate would have it… I was talking myself into making more spaghetti sauce to have this weekend to give away… but all the decorating had zapped my energy and I … Continue reading

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An Amazing First Day of December Lucky “Rabbit Rabbit” Day!

Dear Reader: I have been sitting here shaking my head ( for the last half hour) wondering how ” lucky” yesterday, the first day of December was for me…after starting it off with the first words out of my mouth … Continue reading

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