Dear Reader:
Love… it really must make the world go round…. in conversation, literature, and quotes… the word ” LOVE” takes first place in usage around our earthly home. Even in these disturbing times… we say ” I love you” a lot more than we say ” I hate you.”
” Love Actually ” does affect every component of life… and Richard Rohr gives us an example of how taking love away from ” virtue” changes our lives from sunny to gray.
A dictionary defines ” virtue” as behavior showing high moral standards. Richard Rohr shows us what happens when love is not at the center of living a virtuous life.
If lOVE is the soul of Christian existence , it must be at the HEART of every other Christian virtue.
For example… Justice without love is Legalism.
Faith without love is ideology.
Hope without love is self- centeredness
Forgiveness without love is self- abasement
Fortitude without love is recklessness
Generosity without love is extravagance
Care without love is mere duty
Fidelity without love is servitude
Every virtue is an expression of love and no virtue is really a virtue unless it is permeated by love.
Aristotle took a practical approach… his ideas of defining ethics were based on what someone did for others and how this then impacted another’s actions and so on and so on. Aristotle’s ” Passing of Love.”
He based this linkage on the philosophy of ” Moderation in All Things.” Humans should enjoy their existence but… not be selfish . For every good fortune that comes one’s way… share it with others… bring happiness to their lives. Share your talents with others.

So until tomorrow… This Christmas spread the love by sharing yourself with a smile.
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

My Mother always taught me to see the needs of others and to care…really care by looking through the eyes of love…thankful for her…
Your mother, Gin-g, was always “right on” …eyes of love showing heart and soul within!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!!