Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Simple Day

As I read the ” Great Pumpkin’s ” advice… I just re-thought my day yesterday and realized, with the exception of the sun ( it was overcast all day) and the only ” thick skin” I needed was for the … Continue reading

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It’s Time for us to Get Ready to ” Winter”

Dear Reader: While reading a recent article, the author ( Cydney Weiner) promoted the idea of ” wintering” … adding that all of us ” winter” – …usually several times in our lives. “Wintering” normally follows life-altering events that send … Continue reading

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Becoming ” Living Documents” …

Dear Reader: Obviously it is just not ” gals” who are ” born with books in their souls” … but guys too! And the very things that draw us to books… immersion in other places, adventures, feelings, thoughts, opinions, imaginations … Continue reading

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Burrowin’ Down in the ‘ …BORO!’

Dear Reader: I just got home yesterday afternoon from visiting Brooke in her home in Walterboro…today called the ” Front Porch of the Lowcountry.” Once a few years back Brooke and I climbed the tallest red rocking chair…located in Walterboro… … Continue reading

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Peace Be With You…

Dear Reader: You know by now how much I love Madeleine L’ Engle’s writings and Story as Truth–The Rock is Higher … is one of my favorites. She always leaves me with a God Wink and fresh perspective on situations … Continue reading

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The Year Thanksgiving …” Traveled”

Dear Reader: When it comes to Americans and their holiday traditions-be forewarned: Don’t Mess With Them!!! FDR learned this the hard way… the year was 1939… still a time of Great Depression economical challenges. The ” mobile ” Thanksgiving idea … Continue reading

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When the Star of Hope Becomes the Song of Hope

Dear Reader: Ever since I told the story of Archibald Rutledge’s memory ( as a teen) of being caught in a terrible thunderstorm that threw him out of the buggy as his horse bolted when lightning struck a nearby pine … Continue reading

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Becoming Real… It Takes a Lifetime … for All of Us

Dear Reader: As I watched trailers on the latest Pinocchio movie starring Tom Hanks … I was taken back to my childhood …watching it in the movie theater for the first time. I can still cry at the drop of … Continue reading

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Looking Forward to Getting Stuffed… But… Ready to ” Snuff” out ” Novemberish!”

Dear Reader: Have you ever heard the term ” NOVEMBERISH?” I don’t recall ever hearing it growing up or since… so when I discovered the term in a story I was reading … my curiosity got the best of me… … Continue reading

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God’s Lessons Come in All Shapes and Sizes…

Dear Reader: Have you ever thought about how we see God’s handiwork and more importantly His love of diversity? Starting with the animals… God made them adaptable to live underground, on the ground, in the seas and trees and skies. … Continue reading

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