Category Archives: Uncategorized

Festive Fatigue? Blame it on the Calendar!

Dear Reader: What is it about having the ” Holiday Eves” and then the holidays themselves on weekends …that affects our balance and sense of time? I feel lately like 🎶 🎵 ” Time is NOT on my side… No, … Continue reading

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My Weekend is All Booked…

Dear Reader: After all the diversity of celebrations, emotions, changes, interruptions, anticipations, problems, possibilities, disappointments, exhilarations… start slowing down… (if you are like me) You are ready to go into hibernation for a few days! Yesterday… the sorely missed key … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: I decided since today, December 29, is my ” baby’s’ ( Tommy) benchmark birthday … I would finally find a way to add a little humor to everybody whose December birthday falls around Christmas and New Year’s … … Continue reading

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” Everything will be Okay”…

Dear Reader: With the New Year growing closer and closer… don’t we all want reassurance that ” 23″ will improve upon ” 22″ ? That everything ( really) will be okay? Growing up… how many times in our childhood did … Continue reading

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A God ” Link”

Dear Reader: Yesterday, like hundreds and thousands of other post-Christmas families… the job of cleaning up and throwing out leftover boxes, wrapping paper, and other paraphernalia was the objective of the day… Bekah, my niece, Ben’s daughter, picked up her … Continue reading

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Making Memories of Christmas Blessings…Bless This Life…

Softest blanket to sleep with…reminding me how blessed my life is… called a Prayer Blanket… by Kaitlyn and Tommy! Remember how artists like to depict the four seasons… for human aging … Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter? Have loved thinking … Continue reading

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Christmas is Love

Dear Reader: Changing roles and longtime traditions is always hard. Normally you Chapel of Hope readers would be reading the copy of the Christmas Eve story I told last night on this special post…except I didn’t. For longtime followers … … Continue reading

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Don’t Just Be Present For Christmas… Instead BE the Present

Dear Reader: Can you believe it? We got here all intact…Christmas Eve! This year… instead of just giving a gift or present… why not be one? How? Be the very best you with the brightest smile shining as brightly as … Continue reading

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It’s Christmas…”Grab that Story”

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning was chilly and rainy… and I left the house after 8 in the morning for dropping off gifts, one last run to the grocery store, fill up with gas and give my ” weak” tire some … Continue reading

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‘ Oh Summerville, Oh Summerville… How Lovely is Your Christmas…

Dear Reader: Exactly one year ago today… Summerville was spinning from all the excitement of being chosen one of four best small towns to live in at Christmas! The town went all out to show the television host, Megan Alexander, … Continue reading

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