Dear Reader:
Yesterday, like hundreds and thousands of other post-Christmas families… the job of cleaning up and throwing out leftover boxes, wrapping paper, and other paraphernalia was the objective of the day…
Bekah, my niece, Ben’s daughter, picked up her dad to take him back to Wellmore. I cleaned up, met a friend from out of state who was stopping by Summerville for a short visit… and then returned home and collapsed…Christmas had been wonderful but tiring and I fell asleep and slept for hours.

When I finally woke up … I picked up Rushnell’s God Wink Christmas Stories and turned to one story that caught my attention. It was a story about Roma Downey, lead actress in the once very popular series Touched by an Angel.
One day during a Christmas break from the television series Roma visited a children’s hospital. Wearing a Santa ‘s cap she had her picture taken with many families and sick children. A snapshot they could have as a memoir after leaving the hospital.
As she walked by one room… parents were exiting… their faces in anguish… she drew back in the corner of the hall quickly taking off the Santa cap in respect.
Suddenly the mother stopped, blinked as their eyes met… and whispered to Roma… ” I prayed that an angel would come for my baby… and here you are.”
Roma wanted to shake her head in denial, explain she was just an actress playing a role but she found herself staring into that mother’s eyes, wrapping an arm around her in comfort and saying ” Let me pray with you.”
Words poured out but Roma said later… they were not from her… they came from God. In deep gratitude the mother repeatedly thanked her.
Roma left with mixed feelings and immediately called Della Reese, another actress on the show but more importantly a dear friend and confidante.
Roma said she felt like a fraud to a vulnerable woman but Della replied ” Baby, there are times when we need to step out of the way and let God use us to channel His grace. “
Later in Roma ‘s book she included this story and hung up from Della Reese’s telephone conversation thanking God for having Della Reese in her life and concluded ” Who was I to say God wasn’t using me in that moment? How many other times had I limited Him and not been available to be a light to someone who needed it? ”
So until tomorrow…. God calls each of us to be His ambassador, an Angel on Earth, or as we often say, a Godwink Link, the unwitting courier of a Godwink to someone else. Be open to be a messenger for another.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
” Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven. ” ( Matthew 5:16 NIV)

My hope and prayers for one and all is that you felt God’s love on His Birthday this Christmas- the day that changed the world forever… when HOPE appeared and never left! Keep it locked up in your hearts! Best gift… ever!
