Category Archives: Uncategorized

God’s Best Gifts Don’t Come in Boxes with Bows

Dear Reader: A sweet Christmas Godwink story in Squire Rushnell’s book ( God Wink Christmas Stories) touched me since my whole family is very dog loving… especially Tommy and Kaitlyn who donate time and money to help abandoned and stray … Continue reading

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January.. The Detective Mystery Month… Searching for Life…

Dear Reader: Yesterday as I walked slowly around the yard… it was pretty depressing… the extreme cold , over Christmas, had left once beautiful hanging vines and flowering pots moldy, black, lying all askew … ” death” scenes at different … Continue reading

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We Are All Part of the Christmas Story…

Dear Reader: I don’t think I am alone in visualizing ( as an imaginative child) that I was in the manger with the Baby Jesus. Didn’t you ever transfer yourself there… staring up at the star… and then down at … Continue reading

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Listening isn’t Always about Sound

Dear Reader: I have a habit of pulling colorful modern mantras up when I see one that has the potential to teach me something new. I immediately begin researching the diversified thoughts behind the expression -in this case – ” … Continue reading

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Let’s Start the New Year Right … with A Long Overdue Apology to January

Dear Reader: Don’t millions of Americans still recall last Saturday night ( well a few million might not remember-too much partying) all the excitement of bringing 2023 in as twelve strikes on the clock clang and January 1 officially began … Continue reading

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Magic Medicine… A Perfect Line

Dear Reader: I think part of my problem with my recent illness was my ego got damaged. You see I don’t get sick. I know this sounds bizarre to say from a long-term ( on-going cancer patient) but I can … Continue reading

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Making a List on ” The Bright Side”

Dear Reader: It is very easy to to get down when we don’t feel well. From what I have been reading… there are a lot of varied ” bugs” floating around right now. First we had that record-breaking cold over … Continue reading

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” Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering , ” It will be happier.” ( Alfred Lord Tennyson)

Dear Reader: I know some of you yesterday got different excerpts… after the original post. Anne asked if it was ” ghosties” popping up. I told her it was some weird fever that hit me early yesterday morning. I felt … Continue reading

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It’s the New Year and the Sky is Falling… or is it?

Dear Reader: Had an unsolved mystery Saturday … when I thought my roof had gotten hit by a large branch or the sky was falling. Help Henny Penny! I heard a loud thump ( or thud) and ran outside into … Continue reading

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Happy ” genesis”!!!

Dear Reader: Yesterday I went looking for a new word or expression to start the New Year and its “beginning ” off today. Out of many ” tried but true” familiar greetings… one word popped up that hit the spot … Continue reading

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