Dear Reader:
After all the diversity of celebrations, emotions, changes, interruptions, anticipations, problems, possibilities, disappointments, exhilarations… start slowing down… (if you are like me) You are ready to go into hibernation for a few days!
Yesterday… the sorely missed key element in the Lowcountry… WARMTH… returned! Hallelujah! By the time I got to the Styles and Dingle law office ( to deliver Tommy’s birthday gifts) the sun was shining brightly and blue skies prevailed.
As soon as I climbed to the second floor… I started smiling-the staff had surprised Tommy and decorated the front door and had a large balloon floating in the lobby!
Clemson colored Balloons!

*** (Michele loved the Merry BIRTHMAS Christmas/ Birthday card) and then sent this cartoon that had me choking …I was laughing so hard!

I talked myself out of doing any heavy cleaning… but I did lug all the flowers back out on the porch… including BIG RED!

Then I left the outside door open… closing only the clear storm door … excited as the sunlight filled the den!

***I wholeheartedly agreed with this FB meme.
Anne had dropped off the latest Louise Penny murder mystery novel and all I wanted to do was start the long anticipated novel… When I read the first paragraph I laughed out loud – it has my ” name” written all over it!

Of course … there is one important ” sacred” segment of time I have already blocked off… the Really Really Orange Orange Bowl! Go Tigers! ( will have to stop and rest up for it earlier in the afternoon since it is a late ” 8″ game taking all fans on both sides into the ” Midnight Hour!”

So until tomorrow…I look forward to my passport getting stamped … even if it is just to Three Pines tomorrow… let my mind explore and meet new people!!!

” Today is my favorite day” -Winnie the Pooh
