Dear Reader:
What is it about having the ” Holiday Eves” and then the holidays themselves on weekends …that affects our balance and sense of time?
I feel lately like 🎶 🎵 ” Time is NOT on my side… No, it’s NOT.” Even yesterday, Friday, seemed off … because of the bowl games… shouldn’t they all be on a Saturday? All the other big games have been… it’s like the rug got pulled out from under football fans’ feet.
All the Friday scheduled morning shows had to pretend that it was New Year’s Eve since they didn’t air on weekends.

Next year will still be a little strange with the holiday ” Eves” on Sundays but at least Christmas and New Year’s will be on Monday weekdays.

One day we will all live in ” Kairos” time… eternal time and never worry about ” deadlines” again. Instead of ” R&R” time… ( Rest and Relaxation) – it will be ” G&S” time -( God and Spirit) time.
After picking up sausage/ gravy biscuits and dropping them off to some neighbors first thing yesterday morning…I felt full and ready to start the day. By lunchtime… I started ruminating on some early passages from Penny’s latest detective novel-A World of Curiosities.
Anne mentioned she read through this latest novel in 24 hours… ” greedy for more plot.” She wants to re-read it when I finish.
I, on the other hand, get caught up in the plot but then I stop after a couple of chapters to pick out certain phrases that have touched me while expanding new views of an old situation.
After reading the first paragraph in yesterday’s blog post… most of you probably surmised that Harriett, after forgetting to say ” rabbit-rabbit” first thing one June 1 morning… is headed towards falling down her own ” rabbit hole.”
Yes… it is just not plot but the relationships between the main characters – Chief Inspector Armand Gam-ache and his second in command ( his son-in-law) Jean-Guy Beauvoir that fascinates me.
Beauvoir is in awe of his father-in-law… Gamache has seen the very worst horrific acts of humanity-and yet even while investigating them -seems blind to their horrors.
In spite of the visible scabs left behind… Gamache truly believes that these appalling acts and equally appalling people are the exception.
” You need to remember that Jean-Guy. The blindness you mention isn’t believing in the essential goodness of people, it’s failing to see it.”

Interwoven in her mystery novels is a spectrum of every facet of humanity … both visible and hidden within the human creation of man- both potentially good and evil- right and wrong… moral questions that seem to defy logic or even answers.
Yet Gamache emerges time and again a ” hopeful, even happy man.”
So until tomorrow… May everyone this New Year’s Eve… in their own ” pursuit of happiness” never fail to see the goodness in our world and the people who inhabit it.”
I am finishing this post at 1:00 PM Friday afternoon. Getting ready to get all my Clemson paraphernalia on and try to get in a little nap later this afternoon! Hoping we Tigers all have fun tonight!

❤👍❤. Go USC and Clemson…still a divided household. 🏈🏈🏈