Dear Reader:
It never fails to amaze me how God uses all His creations to keep life growing !

In the top title picture I discovered new life that could only have been planted in the strange location ( where I found it) by our feathered friends-the birds. They are very busy these days. Whereas humans sometimes are in a different place… a ” Balm inside your Being” -directing you to grow closer to the real creation God intended you to be.
Many of us go through different ” seasons” in the months of January and February that is sometimes labeled ” cocoon or quiet space between ” seasons. I like to call it the ” Secret Seed Seasons.”
It happens in different intervals for everyone. When suddenly you sense that it is time to tweak and make adjustments to your path … which requires taking time to simply” be” before taking action . We have to resist the urge to move forward… like my gardens… it is time to allow new ideas to form and ” take seed.”
But before we can even do that … we must first establish roots and take time to nurture them … increasing the chances of reaching our full bloom. Psychologists call it the ” fertile void.” It is a place that feels like nothing is happening but actually… just the opposite is occurring.
During this period… be extra nice to yourself…you need to rest as much as possible for new directions in your life to ” take seed.”
None of us know who will emerge from ” the fertile void ” but we trust whoever it is… is coming closer to the sacred creation … the person God meant us to be… all along.
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh
Never forget that every day we wake up… we have the opportunity to create a life for ourselves that truly reflects who we are.
Yesterday was a good opportunity to do just that… Random Acts of Kindness Day. I just had time to make a few deliveries before the rains returned( after all it was Friday) but then I got a call of kindness that made my day.
Ben’s assigned nurse ( whom I adore) called me to talk and update me on recent check-ups and lab results and then wanted to know how I was doing… I explained some of the problems I have trying to call in to some of Ben’s specialists to get different procedures done outside their offices and she quickly said she could set up at least two of the problematic appointment procedures and have them done right there and then she will send results back to individual specialists before we return for the next series of checkups! I wanted to reach through the phone and hug her. I told her I felt so light …that I could fly. She was my Random Act of Kindness personified!
Hope everyone has found kindness in your own daily lives-and learned, like me, to ask for help when you need it. It could be a phone call away!

So very true…miss you.
Hope you have a beautiful day my friend! Miss you too!
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