Category Archives: Uncategorized

Give Everyday the Chance to Become the Most Beautiful of Your Life

Dear Reader: As you can tell… I have been catching up with Mark Twain’s witticisms and favorite Twain notable ” quotables!” ! I didn’t realize how much I had missed reading Mark Twain’s works… feels like returning to a comfortable … Continue reading

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February, Famous Diner, and Fascinating Fun Facts…

Dear Reader: I am sure most of us have been introduced to hypothetical thinking… in psychology classes or as simple entertainment at a variety of outings. Example: If you could ask any three people, living or dead, to have dinner … Continue reading

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The First Azalea Bloom… Spring is Knocking…

Dear Reader: Happiness is… the first sighting of the first azalea in the side garden. I had gone to pick a pretty camellia to put in the house but I couldn’t quite reach it… as I gazed down, after my … Continue reading

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A Day of Signs… Everywhere a Sign

Dear Reader: Sunday afternoon the doorbell rang and it was a carrier bringing a battered looking box to the door. He had a note to let me know that somehow my order had taken some crazy detours before arriving… and … Continue reading

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Life… It’s All About Connections

Dear Reader: We humans learn through connecting prior information and new knowledge with other links …provided by other learners …adding their unique perspectives. Simply put… we are all connected under the sun. As a student… I was a pretty good … Continue reading

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February- The Month of Hearts and Love… so Start with Loving Yourself

Dear Reader: Sometimes February can be a trying month for people struggling with all kinds of personal problems… the most difficult… learning to forgive oneself…” We are imperfect, we are flawed, we are human.” When we fail at a relationship, … Continue reading

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Sometimes ” Second Choice” is the Best!

Dear Reader: Thursday afternoon I was back in the ” blog room” when I heard a knock and the wonderful ” Miss ” Jo” ( Dufford) was coming through the door calling out to me…” Remember now…you were ” Second … Continue reading

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” We’re Not Finished Until We Are Finished” …

Dear Reader: I had an ” Eureka” moment yesterday when I came across a term I had never heard before… the ” End of History Illusion.” It is a phenomenon that explains the unique way humans mistakenly perceive time in … Continue reading

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Self-Talk… You’re Not Crazy… You’re Improving Your Mental and Emotional IQ

Dear Reader: How many of us have gotten caught talking to ourselves and been given the ” look” from a friend or stranger… followed by the dreaded question ” Are you talking to yourself?” Most of my generation grew up … Continue reading

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Taking Time to Acknowledge the “Little Acts of Kindness”

Dear Reader: A thought occurred to me yesterday … in my lifetime I have probably distractedly overlooked dozens ( if not hundreds) of small acts of kindness. Why? While teaching and raising children … I moved through a lot of … Continue reading

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