Dear Reader:
For so many people today… the popular phrase ” Here Comes the Sun” automatically sends them back to 1969 …as they listened to the melody and lyrics ( for the first time) with the release of the Beatles’ album -Abbey Road… with ” Here Comes the Sun” written by George Harrison.
Today it is recognized as the most popular Beatles song with its enduring, timeless universal appeal. It symbolizes hope, optimism, and a sign of better days to come. Using winter as a metaphor to express coldness and sadness… the entrance of the sun suggests spring, warmth and happiness.
We residents of the Lowcountry have been mired down in a sort of weird weather pattern lately… many of the five workdays have the sun making an appearance with warmer than normal temperatures but for the last three ( or is it four) weekends… cold, wet, windy, dreary weather has returned… reminding us winter hasn’t gone anywhere.
But my ” magic green thumb ” front porch is situated so as to protect plants from wind and chill while simultaneously attracting the healing warmth of the sun’s rays. ( It is why ” Big Red” has endured into its second decade.) It is also why Saturday morning ( as I ran to my car in the rain) I stopped in my tracks and ran back to snap the picture below… the late Friday afternoon sun’s rays apparently had done its magic… one of the lilies opened.

But you know what? Even though it was harder getting valentines bags in the houses of the grandchildren… just being together safe and snug was a real drawing card and getting to see Lachlan, ” Mr. Basketball” do his thing made this grandmother’s heart so proud!

When I got to Eva Cate’s and Jake’s house… I had a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting on me… and homemade hearts by Eva Cate.

Eva Cate had looked for something about history to put in my card and found this phrase I loved!

After torrential rains ( heard during the night Saturday) it looked like the early morning sun was trying to defy the odds and come out! Sunday morning…

But, unfortunately, it didn’t last long… by the time I left Mt Pleasant to stop by Daniel Island… and give Ben his snacks and Valentine bag… it was pouring again and continued throughout the rest of the day.
Honey got her Valentines wish… she and Mike got their first snow of winter.., beautiful!

So until tomorrow… rain, sun, or even snow… let our hearts be happy to be alive, loved, and loving!
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh
Happy Valentine’s to all my teaching colleagues !

Hope everyone enjoyed watching the Super Bowl and all the spectacular entertainment and commercials… and of course the game!
Staring at your Valentines card… love it… how thoughtful… thank you!!💗
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Loved the Super Bowl on Sunday but would have wished for something different for the half-time show. The main positive about this performance was Justine Miles as she interpreted for the hearing impaired. Wonderful to see these deaf folks included in the celebration in this way.
What a nice observation to make! And I agree on the halftime show…. just not my cup of tea for entertainment but glad the young people enjoyed it!
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