Dear Reader:
Don’t we all remember this upbeat tune by Jimmy Cliff that started out with…”I can see clearly now the rain is gone-I can see all the obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind… it’s gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day.”
When that tune came on the radio yesterday it really picked up my spirits. It was so weird… I immediately thought of that drive home Sunday night… sick, cold, pouring rain and scary lightning flashes. Then Monday I woke nauseated with fever… and the rains kept coming but yesterday… the sun came out… no fever and got a few bites down to ward off nausea. Some of the ” obstacles” were disappearing and the sun was out bright and shiny. Hope is an amazing thing… best medicine!
And having a wonderful neighbor ( Vickie) who knows my ” medicine” of choice is Diet Coke… have to have it almost frozen to drink with food but it keeps the nausea away and the food inside me.
An article by the late Wayne Dryer…” I Can See Clearly Now” -a memoir of his life, concluded that there are no accidents… life has a purpose and each step has something to teach us… even ” sick steps.”
Now that I am feeling better today …like the ” dark sick ” clouds are slowly lifting… I think sometimes dark clouds just remind us that we need to slow down and they make us more appreciative of the abundant sunny days ahead!
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh