Dear Reader:
Yesterday was a day of polar light and darkness, sunshine and thunder, cool breezes and humid wind gusts. It was like too many weather patterns were converging simultaneously.
Jeff came early, thank goodness, before the rains descended to cut the grass ( which will help if the rainy forecast for this week in the Lowcountry is accurate.) ***We might need to call on Noah and his ” big boat” before the week is out.
I spent the morning helping my nonagenarian neighbor pick up medicine. go to the grocery store, and pick up lunch for her to take home. She barely got back inside and I got home when the bottom fell out of the dark rumbling skies.
I jumped up to close my windows … it was so torrential I could barely get the windows closed. I took my mobile phone to capture a picture of the storm. When later I pulled it… to my surprise … where there was darkness in front of me… strangely there was light behind me.
It took me a few minutes staring at the picture to finally realize the window pane reflected the colorful table lamp beside my recliner. I felt chills go down me… a sure sign of a ” Godwink.”

My second “Aha” moment came when I searched for scripture on darkness and light… and felt God’s Presence in both.
Psalm: 139:12
” Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from you, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike in you.”
Immediately I reflected on the moment I spotted the light in the picture and I immediately understood the symbolism… God was in the scary darkness in front of me looking out… while simultaneously being the light behind me. I was protected on all sides.
Think about the first three verses of Genesis.

Key point: God was present when there was no planet shape ( without form/void) no life… just darkness but because God existed He could bring the light of life to us. And He still does!
***Another important observation scripture writers want to impress upon us is the fact that we can’t hide from God in the darkness because He dwells there also.
So until tomorrow… We should never feel like the dark days of life are endless and hopeless because as God has shown us His light is guiding us when we can’t see. He can!
Unfortunately the Lowcountry rains are just not in the Lowcountry but the North Carolina mountains too… as a tired Rutledge was dropped off yesterday .. think he needs a good night sleep to get back in the groove again after already being gone so long… hopefully he got it last night. But he put on a brave face as family left.

Yesterday I had a surprise visit from my favorite ” lost boy” who I took in a couple of weeks ago when he appeared on my street… lost and disoriented… he knew his mom’s telephone number and where his dad worked… it took awhile to find the golf cart, babysitter, and other neighborhood kids who were all on the golf cart and jumped off to run around ( get rid of some energy) and hop back home but my little friend went a different way and suddenly no golf cart.
But mom called just as we spotted the golf cart and all was well… Sunday evening the doorbell rang and there was my cutie and his mom dropping off goodies for me for coming to the rescue! Not necessary but a reminder of the goodness of the human spirit!