Category Archives: Uncategorized

Back to School “Surcie” Time!

Dear Reader: I liked Gin-g’s idea of getting a note off to each grandchild before school starts again. The Post Office, these days, might be considered ” Snail Mail” … but still …isn’t there something uplifting about seeing an envelope … Continue reading

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Mysterious Summerville Sightings… Light and Light!

Dear Reader: Isn’t there something exciting about an unexplained sighting of anything… especially when it is something ordinary being something or somewhere un-ordinary. As I am writing this post… Monday afternoon… I am hoping the Sunday afternoon phenomenon will repeat … Continue reading

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” If You are too Busy to Laugh… You are too Busy!”

Dear Reader: I woke up yesterday thinking I was just in the mood for humor… ( felt like Abraham Lincoln) so I ” traveled” back in time through Chapelofhopestories… picking out some of my favorite one-liners, jokes, and tall tales … Continue reading

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One of Life’s Most Difficult Lessons… Your Greatest Quality isn’t ” Fitting in” … It’s Being …and Liking Yourself Enough to “Stand Out!”

Dear Reader: It’s that time of the year when school age children (from elementary to high school) start coming down with an ” annual medical outbreak ” which seemingly spreads quickly in the form of the dreaded ” knots in … Continue reading

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Finding HYGGE at St. Thomas Point On a Rainy Friday Morning…

Dear Reader: When I got to participate in the Danish-American Teacher Exchange in the early nineties, I learned first-hand about hygge-an old Norse word ” Hugr” which later became the English derivative-hug. However in this case… hug meant ” soul, … Continue reading

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Life Begins and Ends with Hope…

Dear Reader: Finding a ” God Wink” in the mega-movie Barbie ( you might think) is a ” bit of a stretch” but the connection has brought tears and a smiles to surprised movie-goers. By now there have been so … Continue reading

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We Can’t Preempt Life… No Matter How Much We Wish…

Dear Reader: Don’t you wish that upon birth… we each could arrive… holding a magical ” channel changer” ( clicker, switcher, remote control) in our tiny fists? Our personal magical ” clicker” could preempt any upcoming troubling life situation – … Continue reading

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When Emptiness and Nothingness Provide Meaningfulness …

Dear Reader: A couple of days ago, I came across this ” parable” called ” The Tale of the Ringless Ring.” * It elevated my consciousness level in a new direction for me. Once there was a beloved and greatly … Continue reading

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“Summer is a State of Mind”

Dear Reader: I really did need to say ” Rabbit Rabbit” early this morning ( first thing) because July quickly ” snuck out” last night without making a sound and this morning the reality of August and all it represents … Continue reading

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If We Stay True to Ourselves, We recognize the Chosen Path Ahead…

Dear Reader: The nicest thing about growing older… is finally liking ourselves for who we are. This huge benchmark doesn’t appear automatically… it takes lots of detours and dead-end paths to finally become who we always were… an unique human … Continue reading

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