Category Archives: Uncategorized

When Listening IS the Answer…

Dear Reader: The longer I live… the more conscious I am of simply not having the answer to so many questions and situations in life… and have finally recognized and accepted that my job is to listen .. and God’s … Continue reading

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Lessons of Hope, Courage and Faith … Learned from a ” Solo Starry Night.”

Dear Reader: Every time I happen upon a sky filled with just one visible star, I think of my grandmother. She was an ardent star gazer …in every season. I remember lying beside her in the summer, on a bundle … Continue reading

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I Pink … Therefore I Am!

Dear Reader: Yesterday was the long awaited day… Pink Day when Julie, Carrie, Mandy , Eva Cate and I were going, going…( can you guess where?) to the movies to see Barbie! ( And then out for an early supper! … Continue reading

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Lifetime Learning Means Never Stop Growing…

Dear Reader: As a teacher for over three decades in the classroom… I was always ” preaching ” to my eighth graders the importance of becoming ” lifetime learners.” I am pretty sure, at thirteen, that message fell mainly on … Continue reading

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A Needed Push Out of the Nest…

Dear Reader: I see now what my apprehension had clouded earlier … I was overdue for a kick out of my ” comfortable” normal routine. A ” Terrific Trio” birthday celebration held in downtown Charleston proved to be the catalyst … Continue reading

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” Plunge Boldly Into the Thick of Life”

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning when I read this kick-off to the week… I knew it was a God Wink. Today I am having to put on my ” Big Girl” underwear and go where I never thought I would go … Continue reading

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” What’s Old is New Again”

Dear Reader: Some of you might have caught this interesting CBS televised story yesterday or heard about it elsewhere… but I found it so fascinating… I started pulling more information as soon as it went off the air. I had … Continue reading

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Life is Only as Good as the People You Get to Share It With…

Dear Reader: Have you ever stopped and really looked at a dear friend… perhaps a lifelong friend, or a spouse and uttered the words in the title caption above? Truly… what are the odds of two people, not only existing … Continue reading

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Perfect isn’t the Plan… Purpose is…

Dear Reader: ” So what …if your life’s a little messy? Perfect isn’t the plan. Purpose is life! I always breathe a sigh of relief when someone or something reminds me that we might all be created in the image … Continue reading

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How Flowers Can Change History…

Dear Reader: The other day, my history lover friend and teaching colleague, Carol Poole, shared one of the numerous legends that grew up around Scotland’s national flower-the thistle. Since my father’s side of the family all emigrated from Scotland and … Continue reading

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