Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lessons from the other Kingdom Beneath us…

Dear Reader: I came across a devotional from the book, Devotions From the Beach, that made me pause and wonder about a line we are told in scripture by Jesus that says ” My Kingdom is not of this World” … Continue reading

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Ya Ya October… and Edisto!

Dear Reader: Anne of Seven Gables made the perfect observation … October is Ya Ya Reunion Month at Edisto Beach and some days I feel that our shadows have gone ahead to prepare the feeling of togetherness again! Children have … Continue reading

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Joy Appears Daily in Many Shapes and Forms…

Dear Reader: Many of the God Winks I refer to on this personal post… actually arrive…bearing a ” wink of humor” to lighten our lives for a moment of laughter and levity… I call them ” Twinkle Winks.” Joy is … Continue reading

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Finding Our Special Space and Place…

Dear Reader: Being a total novice in gardening ( a member of the ” Know Nothing” ” Wanna Be” Gardening Class of 2013… ) I learned a very important lesson about plants that first initial backyard garden season …that still … Continue reading

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Make Friends, Not Enemies with Yourself…

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all heard that to have a friend one must first be a friend… but before we can do that… we must be a friend to ourselves. In certain cases we , as a human race, have … Continue reading

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” Nature is the Living , Visible Garment of God”

Dear Reader: Did you ever wonder, like me as a child, what God was picking out to wear the next day, as I had to do every school night? It wasn’t until years later that I realized the answer had … Continue reading

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It Starts with One Little Flower…

Dear Reader: One day during my stay in Denmark Benedikte took me to city hall to see the most popular statue ( in all of Denmark) erected in front of the municipal building. Our teacher exchange took place partially during … Continue reading

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Simple …but Spectacular !

Dear Reader: I happened upon that phrase yesterday while reading a summer novel…” Simple … But Spectacular!” I loved it. It started me reminiscing about how accurate this phrase is. Nothing has brightened my spirits this week as much as … Continue reading

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A Surprising ” Good Surprise ” Thursday!

Dear Reader: Life is full of surprises, some good, some not… but none of us can escape them… ALL surprises are simply a part of life. (And as such… the relevance they play in our individual lives solely depends on … Continue reading

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” Too Bad… It’s the Life You Lead… You’re so ahead of Yourself… You’ve Forgotten What You Need”

Dear Reader: In 1977 Billy Joel released (what he later admitted) was one of his favorite songs-Vienna. Today’s post title is a line from the chorus of Vienna… lyrics that explore slowing down long enough to see the truth unfold…” … Continue reading

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