Dear Reader:
Don’t you wish that upon birth… we each could arrive… holding a magical ” channel changer” ( clicker, switcher, remote control) in our tiny fists?
Our personal magical ” clicker” could preempt any upcoming troubling life situation – just like we switch television channels today! To preempt means to prevent something from happening by taking action first.
But as we all know… life doesn’t work this way. And even if we could… is the action we select …the right one – is it even going to work or could it make the situation worse?
Most of us probably feel the same way … especially when it comes to sleepless nights when one young woman commented ” How I’d like to do something about it, to be able to make this scary situation disappear before it ” preempts” another night of sleep! ” ” But what?”
Robert Frost was definitely on the right ” channel” when he concluded ( near the end of his life) that ” The Only Out is Through.”
As physically, mentally, or emotionally difficult as so many heartbreaking life crises are …we know that the Divine ” Channel Changer” is in control and that one day we will see how His ending had been programmed specifically for us and/ or our loved ones.
So until tomorrow…the greatest gift we were given is Faith… our magical ” channel changer” that never needs preempting but steadfast forever.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Funny how life goes, first you have no recollection of anything you do but you hear about it from parents and siblings when you get older. Then for a few years I making friends and playing outside but staying where a parent can see you. I grew up where several streets apart there were 10 boys and 3 girls. Us boys played baseball and football in an open field daily. Soon found out a few block away there was another open field and another group of guys and they played baseball and football. A rivalry began! The beauty of playing on their field was a bunch of girls lived there. And that the next step was girls. I noticed Lachlan has already begun with the ladies. Then the wishing your life away begins. You some of siblings older than us started driving so you can’t wait to be 16 to get a drivers license. Then you reach 16, you were antsy to be 18 so you could go to an R rated movie. Then your sights set on 21. You can do anything you want. Never satisfied! Then you find a girl you can’t live without marry and have children and your life becomes so busy with work and you work hard and smart trying for a higher position. Go home tend to children you picked up from daycare. Then the wife comes home cooks, we all eat then my chore getting the babies in thee tub and ready for bed. Find yourself saying when they get a little older they can look after themselves some. Before you know, the kids are grown off to college both at the same time they were born 20 months apart. It was a big ouch on the bank account even though we had saved for college. Then suddenly you find yourself alone again with your wife. Life is certainly gets a lot better. Then comes weddings for you children and though it’s happy times you know they are gone and going through their early lives together. Then you are true empty nesters. Before you realize you are in your 50s where aches and pains from all the things you did as kids come back to get you. Remembering when you fell out of the tree landed on your back knocked the wind out of yourself. And many others that were hard licks In football and the higher the level the harder the licks. Suddenly you find yourself as Grandparents and a little one is in the family again so you rush to spoil them doing things for them that you didn’t do for your own. You see nobody knows how to be a parent, you learn as you go and each child is different. So you know more about parenting that your children so you just show them without going overboard. But you spoil that Grand and protect them when Mom is angry at them for doing something wrong. And find yourself going don’t spank that baby only them are 7-8 years old by now. I remember my Daughter looking at me frustrated with me protecting the Grandson. She says you would have spanked me and hour ago. So I told her, don’t spank when you are angry, calm down and when you get ready for punishment you are calm and you can let him know what he did wrong where he understands then if you spank his butt you do so under control. So you continuously trying to help your children. Once you are a parent always a parent. Now for both my wife and I in our 60s despite the care to stay healthy didn’t stop the onslaught of problems physically and we have had some hard times. Me as I write this I am in pain from an extensive back surgery. Extensive because they went in from the front, cutting me about 6 inches across just below my bellybutton, moved intestines and blood vessels out of the way then went to work on my spine, removing a busted disc, putting in a titanium disc with bone paste keeping the gap correct, placed screws an plates and things to keep it all in place. I am so hoping that was the last time. Now my wife is having problems with her neck. She had 3 discs blow out some years back and had surgery we are hoping this ends soon so we can go do the travels we planned now we have retired. I know the Lord will intervene and we will get their! But doesn’t it seem we wished we were older when we were young, found out it wasn’t what you thought it would be. Then lose track of time busy, busy, busy, with jobs and life and children and their lives when you come out on the other side you wish your Birthdays would slow down a little. Luckily for me I have a wonderful woman and we make the best of things together through thick and thin like always! When you look back on it all you find as soon as we were saved, our lives didn’t change but got better and free. And so much we did we see as good, but some regrets. Now our children are helping take care of us when we are down like now. My Son came to the hospital after I was out of surgery right as my Daughter and wife left from being there before going into surgery, and refused to leave and spent the night, sleeping in one of those awful rubber covered chair that lay down flat like a bed. The nurses looked after him with pillow and blanket. I felt sorry for him and tried to get him to leave but he wouldn’t. He said have looked after me for so long, now I can repay you and I want to! So anyway life has its phases and they are natural, when you walk them with Jesus beside you none of them are bad for long. Thank you Mrs. Dingle for your writings that move me deep inside each and every day!
Johnny… isn’t it amazing how much wisdom comes with aging… and everyday it seems like another ” AHA” appears … and life is good! And so is your life… you and your wife raised some wonderful young adults who now relish the time to help their parents! 👍
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Yes Mrs. Dingle we have been blessed with our children! And you are spot on with how your knowledge and experience makes you grow and have times where you wish you knew this before I did that! But it all brings you peace in the end!