Dear Reader:
Thursday Mandy and I went outside into my backyard and patio. Mandy started cleaning out broken planters and debris. As I strolled around I stopped … there was a statue of Rebekah ( Rebecca) from the Biblical story ” Rebecca at the Well.”
I felt a shiver run through me. What are the odds that a Rebecca ( Becky) moves into a ” new home” …only to discover that the statue ( bearing her personal name ancestral derivative ) has been erected and … perhaps waiting for years on her arrival?
The Hebrew spelling is… Rebekah… but the more modernized is Rebecca.
Rebecca was the wife of Isaac -together they had two sons… Esau and Jacob ( the younger son) who would start the amazing linage tying into the birth of Jesus Christ.
Even though some of the tactics to accomplish this achievement appear underhanded… the lesson is that God realizes that there are no perfect people, marriages, families… God forgave Rebecca and Jacob their roles in the conspiracy to trick Esau of his birthright. He forgave Jacob his sins and still used him to begin the legacy that would later send Jesus into the world!
The name Rebecca ( as a verb) means to join together, knot or tie together! Rebecca was known for her ” strong individuality and lively nature that constantly tied events and people together as God foresaw.
Rebecca represents the Christ and church in eternal life! Father Abraham , in his search for a bride for his son Issac , sent a senior steward to his homeland, Mesopotamia. He arrived at a well completely exhausted .
The steward began praying for guidance and direction… Rebecca had come to the well to gather enough water for her family’s camels but seeing the exhaustion on the steward’s face … she generously told the stranger she would take care of his camels -giving them water, also!
The steward immediately recognized Rebecca as the selected bride for Issac. He gave her a gold earring and two bracelets .
The story reminded me of an incident a few years back. Libby ( Tima) has a granddaughter named Rebecca (who as a baby) was about to be baptized …so I reread the ” Rebecca and the Well story.”
An idea of what to give Libby’s second granddaughter immediately popped up.
Libby said I gave her baby granddaughter a ” Rebecca Pitcher” that actually had water from the Holy Land brought back by a sister-in-law…. ( Betsy had to freeze the water until the Baptism and then it was mixed with water from Lowcountry rivers -( Congaree, the Black River and Pawleys.)
She will always be a child of God and a child of the Lowcountry-” What a God Wink” …Libby remembered! ”
And now… ( today) the ” Rebecca Pitcher” remains on their living room mantle. A God Wink… no doubt!
And look who came to see me yesterday -my wonderful sisters-in-law ( Doodle and Lassie ) love my plaque and left a sliced lemon pound cake that I am enjoying so much!

Mandy picked up Winnie from getting her hair cut and Christmas bow… Doodle, Lassie and I loved her new look!
“Today is my favorite day” – Winnie the Pooh

And you never know who you might find on a patio table…. a man and a wooden duck! 🤗😂

What a glorious day you had!! Loved the story of Rebecca, the cute pup, your gifts, family, and even the man at the table with the duck!! What a good place you were blessed to land in!
Dear Becky, I enjoyed your post today. My husband, John Evans, was so glad to see the picture of his cousins, Doodle &Lassie! Thank you for sharing this lovely picture; Mandy looks like a Dingle! It sounds like you are adjusting just fine to your new home. Sending you all good wishes. Best, Angela Everett
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What a wonderful entry today…another God’s wink that makes me smile. It sounds like it was a perfect day. Love you and your stories…so good for the heart and soul…
Thank you Gin-g for your continued support as I keep moving forward on my given path!
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Becky, you are a marvel! Your new home is already a special place in your heart. Always a teacher, you are teaching us how to be obedient to God’s word and His plan, and do it with such grace that you inspire everyone who knows you. Loved the presence of the Rebekah statue just outside your door. Another God Wink to help you open your heart to accept and believe that you are still in His hands. God is so good!
Yes HE IS! I just have to lean back and ” Faith Follow!”
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