Category Archives: Uncategorized

Let’s Do This!

Dear Reader: I am on my HP Chromebook…but before any applause…believe me this first day out has been an exercise in “Trial by fire.” I discovered that this expression alludes to the medieval practice of determining a person’s guilt by … Continue reading

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Learning from “Big Red” and New Clones

Dear Reader: I am slowly getting a little more comfortable living in transition. Before my long-( my desk top computer) time friend ” Old Faithful” had her powers of creating new stories abruptly taken from her she had given me … Continue reading

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Tribute to “Old Faithful”

Dear Reader: Today I started that difficult task of cleaning out my Happy Place in preparation for the new… And though I know my soon to be chrome book can go anywhere now-it is important to me that I return … Continue reading

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Why I Never Wanted to be a Trapeze Artist

I remember, even as a child, being terrified while watching the trapeze artists let go of one swing for another… and wondering whether the artist on the flying trapeze made it or not … depended on the timing! Suddenly I … Continue reading

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Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Dear Reader: This old dog is in the process of telling her old desk top-computer good-bye after a-decade and switching to a Cromebook! Wish me luck! šŸ¤£ Today I will start shopping and keep you updated on this challenging transition … Continue reading

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Hope everyone had a great St Paddy’s Day!

Dear Reader:WordPress made some changes Tuesday night in their blog format that somehow now prevents me from adding a new post.I am waiting to hear from their support tech team but as of last night I had heard nothing back.Fingers … Continue reading

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When Pain Becomes a Gift…

Dear Reader: Pain and gift in the same sentence sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it…but is it…really? Having endured my fair share of physical pain…through cancer procedures…including three radiation rounds of treatments, three separate surgeries- one including an eight hour … Continue reading

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If We Do Everything Right…How Can Anything Possibly Go Wrong?

Dear Reader: When did society mix up the allotted value of a Ā career or achievement… over the value of a person…him/herself? For most of us…we distinctly understood, while still children, that our parents highly valued our visible achievements…good report cards, … Continue reading

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“Guilt-The Gift that Keeps On Giving”

Dear Reader: Haven’t we heard conversations in which people jokingly talk about their problems with guilt by throwing out lines like the title one today by Erma Bombeck? Ā Or they might say: “Oh, I’ve got major Catholic guilt…the discipline that … Continue reading

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Gardening Nurtures the Soul- a Thank You Note

Dear Reader: With all our talk about grace and gratitude lately on the first anniversary of the Covid19 pandemic…I felt a need to stop and thank my garden for being there for me during the dark days and bright ones…it … Continue reading

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