Category Archives: Uncategorized

From Freaky Friday to a Favorable Future of Faith

Dear Reader: Lately most of us have been caught up in the first anniversary memories of the pandemic… that became disclosed to us as a nation a year ago…changing our way of life  so abruptly that we were all captured … Continue reading

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Fitting In… Is Not Belonging

Dear Reader: The internal conflict that goes on inside us (for way too long) in many of our lives… is the dilemma of how to fit in (with our peers when young, later our working colleagues, friends and even family) while being … Continue reading

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A “Grace and Gratitude” Bucket- Headlines and Smiles

Dear Reader: As I was looking for a book to loan a neighbor I came across the anniversary painting that Anne did for me…located now in one of my “show-off” bookshelves…celebrating ten years of writing the blog post. What … Continue reading

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Only God Knows…

Dear Reader: I read this true anecdote in Guidepost last year that still tickles me whenever I get a question that I find difficult to answer. Yesterday Mandy brought Eva Cate and Jake to Summerville since their teachers were being … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: I had so many responses from you yesterday…that I knew we had to have an “Extra Extra” edition to Andy Stanley’s original idea of making our own personal headlines from the life we choose to share each day! … Continue reading

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Making Our Own Headlines

Dear Reader: How many of you, like me and so many others, lament the news and headlines to such an extent that we find it harder and harder to even listen to the news or read the newspaper? I keep … Continue reading

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One Step at a Time…

Dear Reader: One bit of advice I have heard on a continuous basis this past year, since the pandemic hit, has been the phrase…” One step  at a time”….slowly, steadily… progress at your own unique speed. I found a slip … Continue reading

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The Tough Trade-Offs in Life

Dear Reader: As children didn’t we always love finding hidden alcoves or closets in grandparents’ or great-aunts’ attics…any small space in which to hide became a favorite childhood haunt. There was something so alluring about the possibility of a novel … Continue reading

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“God’s Poetry” in Nature and Solitude

Dear Reader: Yesterday I told you my day would be spent in the garden… remembering my younger brother and the 21 years of life he was given on this earth. Not enough for those who loved his gentle, loving nature. … Continue reading

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Keeping One’s Stay Short in the Home of the Bewildered

Dear Reader: All day yesterday I had my mind on a special friend’s birthday coming up Thursday…I was wrapping and packaging and getting the birthday gift ready to send. I was just waiting for it to stop raining before running … Continue reading

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