Dear Reader:
I am slowly getting a little more comfortable living in transition. Before my long-( my desk top computer) time friend ” Old Faithful” had her powers of creating new stories abruptly taken from her she had given me a decade of comfort and companionship.
Many human relationships don’t last that long… but I am discovering slowly but surely that I am taking more tech risks than before …when I had every part of my daily needs met like writing my blog, email or ordering on Amazon. Now even while writing blogs from my mobile phone I am starting to take chances and hit new links to see where they take me-just for sheer curiosity.
And I feel that I am not alone- God Winks are in abundance! For example yesterday morning this Natural Life ” Chirp” message was the first thing that popped up in my email!
I did start laughing! Like the creator of St Jude’s Chapel of Hope always said about living with her cancer… In the big picture it is just an ” inconvenience!”
“Big Red” my loyal geranium had to be cloned to survive and it was this drastic change that saved the geranium and even a second little “Big Red” ( in title photo) is thriving now with creeping Jenny all around.
I do believe this did happen for a reason – to force this little bird out of her nest -to make her fly and see all the new possibilities and ways to communicate in our ever-changing world!
So until tomorrow… I am learning to take this latest challenge step by step and row by row-and just like my garden grows so will I-with friends and family support-as well as you patient blog post readers!
” Today is my favorite day”
Hang in there…you are making strides. Love the planter Honey gave you and the flowers are gorgeous.
thank you Gin-g! Today was a challenge….but through all the mistakes I am learning…the hard way but still learning…:)