Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning to see the “New Now” as an Adventure

Dear Reader: I wonder why I am so surprised when an old computer, appliance, heating and air conditioning unit, as well as, a half dozen other home apparatus breaks down? Do I forget how long I had it for and … Continue reading

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The Fabulo. us “Firsts” of April 2021

Dear Reader: It is hard to believe that in two years Boo’s Garden will be ten years old! Never… in my wildest imagination did I think I would still be here… adding onto my project of love that started with … Continue reading

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Be Kind, Rewind, and Don’t Forget to Unwind

Dear Reader: Madeleine L’ Engle said it best…”The only way to cope with the serious is to try to treat it a little lightly.” When it comes to learning all the new tricks of the trade on chrome book …I … Continue reading

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Pruning Inside and Out

Dear Reader: We usually think of the word pruning in connection to a gardening technique. As in to cut off an useless or damaged branch, limb, stem or even bloom. For the past few weeks I have been pruning back … Continue reading

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Let’s Make the Next Pandemic be Kindness

Dear Reader: I was thinking the other day that the best thing to come out of the pandemic has been the abundance of kindness I have felt in my daily life that I didn’t experience as much before the virus … Continue reading

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The Anchor of Castaway Change

Dear Reader: Yesterday the post was about sharing the two securities all humans have on earth-sunrise and sunset. Early yesterday morning I was out planting in the garden and got to see the sun rise ” on my shoulders.” Do … Continue reading

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Things Always Look Better in the Morning…

Dear Reader: As you can imagine the transition from typing on a regular keyboard (on a desk top computer) to learning all the ‘in’s and out’s’ of a chrome book has been challenging. It has left me sleepless on a … Continue reading

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Saving “Private Boo”

Dear Reader: God does have a sense of humor…as I was scrolling through some old documents in “Old Faithful” … I came across this humorous piece of a revised “tech psalm.” I looked up and winked “Good one God!” THE … Continue reading

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The Disappearing Act

Dear Reader. I just woke up to check on the blog post I wrote yesterday-when I didn’t see it at 6:15 this morning I thought I must have scheduled it incorrectly and I would just hit Publish Immediately and take … Continue reading

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Finding a New Direction Through Change

Dear Reader: Before the mischievous leprechauns turned my world upside down last Wednesday ( St Patrick’s Day) I took writing a daily blog for granted. True, occasionally, the cousins -the computer gremlins, would play tricks with me, but on the … Continue reading

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