Category Archives: Uncategorized

” God’s Inspiration on a Summer Morning”

Dear Reader: ” Humble Yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” This whole recent experience …caring for my brother who is experiencing short memory loss and confusion …has definitely left me completely humbled … like never before… … Continue reading

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Upon Entering New Thresholds

Dear Reader: Whenever I am looking for just the right words to describe the complexity of my feelings and emotions that have become cocooned within me …I turn to my Irish poet John O’ Donohue. In his collection of prose … Continue reading

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We Are All In This Together

Dear Reader: . nwould give Tomorrow is the day I meet Lee and Vikki ( with Ben) to start a new journey in his life. There is no way to completely make things all right for my brother. I feel … Continue reading

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Deep Breath… It’s Game Time!

Dear Reader: This Tuesday will be the day I drive Ben over to Wellmore Assisted Living on Daniel Island and I have been praying constantly that this move is a positive game changer! We are certainly both apprehensive …yet in … Continue reading

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Purpose and Meaning in Our Lives

Dear Reader: To say that I was pretty pensive yesterday would be a true understatement. The whole red ladder episode hit me full face. The realization how close Ben and I came to departing this world was sobering. For the … Continue reading

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A Red Ladder in the Sky

Dear Reader: If someone had ever asked me to guess what was the last thing on earth I would see- I never would have guessed a red metal ladder heading straight towards my front car windshield ! I was on … Continue reading

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When Life Gets Iffy…

Dear Reader: I love this true story about an incident involving Dr. Kelsey Crowe, physician and author. She had an insightful moment while talking to her pre-school daughter in the car one day. ” One day while in the car … Continue reading

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Responding to Life Questions…

In a recent Awakin Weekly author Victor Frankl, made this observation. “the question can no longer be-What can I expect from life? but can only be ” What does life expect from me?” Living is in essence all about being … Continue reading

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A Place for Everything and Everything in it’s Place

Dear Reader: In a book I was leafing through yesterday a mother admonished her teenage son with the following words. ” God will put things right and don’t forget it. That’s what He’s about after all, putting things right. ” … Continue reading

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If You Want to Change the World…

Dear Reader! I can’t help but be proud of my brother, an ex-marine ( though doesn’t the quip go…“Once a marine… always a marine”) because every morning since he has been here he has made his bed. As many things … Continue reading

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