Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thoughts During Transitioning

Dear Reader: Transition Periods are sometimes the toughest times in life, aren’t they? We get caught between nostalgia of the past, problems of the present, and uncertain futures. Once we get over the fear of getting lost during this tough … Continue reading

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Let Go of the Illusion It Could Have Been Any Different

Dear Reader: Do you remember your first time driving through a ” roundabout ” …especially in a foreign country? Terrifying driving or riding-my first introductions to them were in Ireland. I felt like I was on a ride at Disney … Continue reading

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Unexpected Memorable ” Labels”

Dear Reader: I have a few precious hours of alone time today and part of me just wants to sleep! So I will throw some random thoughts today out in the universe. My brother Ben worked with mentally challenged children … Continue reading

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Think Twice Before You Call a “Barbour”

Dear Reader: My StoryWorth question this week was to share some family genealogy. I chose my father’s Scottish side since I had more information on it. The surname Barbour originated with the ancient Strathclyde-Britons. Barbour came from a term depicting … Continue reading

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Feeling Lost in the Fog When Our Course Changes

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I had the best conversation with my brother in awhile-he could share his feelings more openly about the hospital experience and how frightening it was. He said the problem was that there was somebody new coming … Continue reading

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” Oh… it’s Just You!”

Dear Reader: I sometimes have to laugh at the irony of the on-going debate over wearing masks! Personally I like them-don’t have to worry with make-up-just simply put on a mask and go… and it has been recommended by health … Continue reading

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” The End of Words”

Dear Reader: I am slowly beginning to realize that I am not in control and never was. How easy it is to forget that on the grand time-line of life we humans are late-comers to the party. Yet don’t humans … Continue reading

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Creating Moments of Joy

Dear Reader: A major God Wink yesterday… a book that helped me with mother’s journey into dementia arrived by Amazon yesterday from Brookie- right after we hung up ! The latest new edition of Creating Moments of Joy. perfect timing … Continue reading

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The Moods of Twilight

Dear Reader: Today Twilight is my favorite time of day. There is nothing more serene than watching a sunset and listening to nature preparing to end another day with the animals and birds final sing-off of the day. If I … Continue reading

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Learning to Breathe Again

Dear Reader: I think one of the most emotionally challenging situations in life is losing a loved one mentally before physically. The loved one is there … but simultaneously not there. It is like looking at and listening to a … Continue reading

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