Dear Reader!
I can’t help but be proud of my brother, an ex-marine ( though doesn’t the quip go…“Once a marine… always a marine”) because every morning since he has been here he has made his bed. As many things slip away from Ben … one lesson has not.
You might remember that Admiral William H. McRaven ( Naval Commander of Special Operations ( SEAL training) started his commencement speech at his alma mater ( University of Texas) with this suggestion on how to change your perspective on life. Make Your Bed!
***” “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, then another etc. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reenforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.”
Ben might forget his wallet, the time, the place but wherever he is he is going to make the bed. During the day he goes back to his bed to read and a made bed gives him encouragement that hope is still alive. It is a special gift to himself.
Today he reminded me at CVS to get some light bulbs for the hall outside his bedroom and then he changed the ceiling light bulbs for me! One small task DOES lead to another and so on.
Do please continue keeping Ben in your prayers as we are narrowing down the best long-term options for Ben based on lots of medical assessments coming in.
I did get a belly laugh out of Ben today when I found this sticky note to give him, along with a high five… for helping change light bulbs!

So until tomorrow… Want to change the world… make your bed.
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Agree totally with Ben…of course I am a neat freak…but good for Ben to still want to keep some normalcy to the current situation…praying for the best solution for Ben’s care….
Thank you…just hoping for the best scenario that will be a good solution game-changer for Ben in the big picture…when we can later look back on this more clearly.
Dennis read that same quote about making bed first thing. He does ours every morning and I smile when I walk through later.
Too cute….!!!! Yeah I need someone to make mine too…though I do..it is reluctantly. 🙂