Dear Reader:
The rain is forecast to return today, I am heading out early this morning to pick up Ben at Wellmore and take him to the Trident complex for head and neck scans …before returning back to Daniel Island to drop him off again and return to Summerville from my three day stay in Mt Pleasant…a lot of driving in the rain.
Ben was supposed to have these scans done last Friday but he was still in quarantine from testing positive for Covid-luckily he was asymptomatic but he didn’t get released for almost three weeks. Ben is so excited just to get out for awhile… no matter the reason.
Tommy and I had time to talk and discuss different books and ideas… one book he gave me is titled…How to Be Perfect by Michael Schur…. television writer for The Office and co-creator of Parks and Recreation. The book is obviously intended to not strive to be perfect … instead to be be a good person and live a good life on earth -written with self- deprecated humor and common sense wisdom.
Near the end of his book Schur tells how thousands of years ago, in a part of Greece called Delphi, some people built a temple. They, as parents, were worried about their kids too/so they chiseled a couple of sayings into a column of that temple to tell their kids, and their grandkids, and their great grandkids, in as few words as possible, how to try to pull off the nearly impossible task of living a good life on earth. Here’s what they wrote:
Know thyself
Nothing in excess
The author thinks those two thoughts of wisdom , as far as ” guides to life” go… have never been beaten in the 2400 years since. For ” homework ” think about these two guidelines and tomorrow I will share my thoughts and the author ‘s with you!
Yesterday was a busy day … Took Kaitlyn and Tommy out to eat in an outdoor picnic area, Kaitlyn, her mother Susan, and I went to the Meeting Street nursery and got gorgeous plants-had several people drop in so I am fading fast and obviously today will be a challenging day too but I will be home writing the post-much easier at home for me.
So until tomorrow … While you are here on earth, think about the parts of people you love-their kindness, generosity, loyalty, courage, determination, mildness. Aim yourselves at the exact right amount of those qualities, as best you can-not too much, not too little. Keep trying it over and over -the trying is important/keep trying! You will start getting closer and closer to getting it right!
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh
Kaitlyn and Susan got all Kaitlyn’s plants planted-just in time for the rain!