Category Archives: Uncategorized

” Yes! God Does Have a Sense of Humor! …

Friday afternoon Tommy dropped by to catch me up on some financial information and said he would take me to PaPa Johns for a small pizza πŸ• to take back and eat! So happy!!! Love Pizza! πŸ’— ! πŸ’—Tommy! As … Continue reading

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February! Filled with Celebrations, and Predictions, and lots of Quaint Vocabulary Words…

Dear Reader: I decided this year to get the whole story/the folklore behind Punxsutawney Phil and his predictions. It all started back in 1886… by the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club and as far as they are concerned ” Phil” is the … Continue reading

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Great Things Never Come From Comfort Zones…

Probably the first name that springs to mind is Thomas Edison . His famous quotes still declare the amazing perseverance in his pursuit of the incandescent light leading to modern electricity and all his later inventions. The more stories we … Continue reading

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The Secret Passage

Dear Reader: One of the Ya Ya’s (aka Tima-Libby) called a couple of days ago and she saw a whole different perspective on the eye to eye, hand clasp to hand clasp ” I love you” ritual. As I described … Continue reading

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Let The Sunshine In

Dear Reader: The SUN has always been the key object of ancient civilizations’ spiritual rituals …to present day’s appreciation. And this devotion doesn’t stop with just the enjoyment of the sun and all the fun opportunities it affords us ( … Continue reading

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“Oopsey Daisy” or ” Oopsie- daisies ” or ” Whoopsey-Daisies”

Dear Reader! Oops… I made a ” Boo Boo” -I finished the blog for today but then saved it to the 29th that was yesterday. 😜 A ” two-fer” as Anne told me. Two blogs in one day so I … Continue reading

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When Love Makes a Direct Hit….

Dear Reader: Saturday when Tommy, Kaitlyn and I went to visit my brother Ben in his new location at Trident Rehab, he was first startled, then somewhat more cohesive as his brain struggled to identify and place everyone in a … Continue reading

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Learning from the Past

Dear Reader: When I look back on all the advice I received (after I was a single mom) it was the people who begged me to travel (which I fought back on) that were the true illuminators to my life. … Continue reading

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The Tree of Life… the everlasting Vestige of the ” The Giving Tree” … Before and After…

Dear Reader: I have thought very symbolically about the Tree of Life, all my life but have now discovered that different cultures and countries have very different views, meanings, and usages. I thought it was another symbol of our ” … Continue reading

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