Dear Reader:
I have thought very symbolically about the Tree of Life, all my life but have now discovered that different cultures and countries have very different views, meanings, and usages.
I thought it was another symbol of our ” Giving Creator” and The Garden of Eden… a little right and a little wrong.
The Tree of Life is mentioned in Genesis but it not the tempting Tree that bore fruit… It is not to be confused with The Tree of Knowledge… of Good and Evil. Not the same.
After Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating fruit from the tree of knowledge ( good and evil) they were driven out of the garden … only tree left remaining was the Tree of Life. ( the new tree of forgiveness and Hope.)
In Africa, an arid climate, calls their Tree of Life– Baobah Tree that is a succulent and produces a long fruit ( one foot long) These trees feed and provide water to humans but also hundreds of elephants, lizards, and monkeys survive because of it too.

Large white flowers – whitish flowers are beautiful at the top of tree at night creating a beautiful display of happiness.
A Senegalese legend describes how their people always built their villages around the Tree of Life…( Baobah) because it met their physical needs and then overtime became their spiritual ones.

In Ireland a Celtic Tree of Life is also called a A Fairy Tree … it is so revered that new roads are built around Fairy trees to divert traffic.

I could go on and on but as you can tell every culture has their own Tree of Life and most intertwine a life- giving physical needs tree with a spiritual explanation.
So until tomorrow… Yesterday I had such a great day with Tommy and Kaitlyn who took me to see my brother Ben …. so happy to see him and then out to eat and to Publix to replenish my fridge favorites… a happy happy day!!!!’😘💗👍💗

Ben loved seeing Kaitlyn and kept telling Tommy he hit the jackpot!
This visit made my day…. there are not enough thank you’s Tommy and Kaitlyn … from Trident Rehab to lunch out to Publix to replenish my fridge favorites! A home run day!!!!