Category Archives: Uncategorized

When Reading…Friends Become a Vital Member of the Family… HAPPY VALENTINES… to our Chapel of Hope Reading Family

Dear Reader: I only hope that you can feel my hug today…the expression of human contact and love!! Love from me to you… from my ♥️!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentines!

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The Most Precious Gift We Humans Can Give this Valentine’s Day!

Dear Reader: As much as I love Valentine candy, or cards, or flowers … it is the hug at the end of a visit that lifts my spirits the highest! Human contact! I love what Meryl Strip added to the … Continue reading

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Decision or a Delight or Both? Cruising on a Sunday afternoon with God in Charge!

My roommate for four years at Erskine… more years as roomies in Charleston when we first got jobs teaching in Summerville! Brooke, as you know has been seriously ill for months with flu, coronavirus and congestion…but she finally got released … Continue reading

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It All Matters…

Then Tommy and Kaitlyn took me to Five Loaves to get my favorite soup! ( Broccoli’ cheese, and potato soup) 💗👍 and a cup to take back! 🥣 It felt so good to get away for awhile and socialize with … Continue reading

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Give it to God and Go to Sleep…

Dear Reader! Thursday night I experienced what scripture calls a” gift of grace.” SLeep… Blessed Sleep.!” Taking time to rest and recover is an act of trust in God! His sacred gift heals us if we believe God can and … Continue reading

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When Your Exhaustion is Exhausted…

Dear Reader: I started out overstretched and never snapped back in place yesterday! First thing my exercise trainer came for me… and we threw light round balls back and forth continuously so by the time I returned the long aisles … Continue reading

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall … and in the new bedroom cabinet, and two bedroom tables…

Dear Reader: Another miraculous gift arrived yesterday … a highly anticipated bedroom cabinet… to date I have gotten through the past months with plastic stack-up drawers and two glassed table tops on each side of the bed …Kaitlyn had. Yesterday … Continue reading

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Keeping Hope Alive while Turning It Over to God…

But as the day wore on … I was reminded again that God’s Timing is not always man’s but it doesn’t mean the prayer isn’t working. Patience! One of the hardest dilemmas we humans face… by our own nature… when … Continue reading

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Flowers Make Us Happy for Tomorrow’s…

Dear Reader! Today marks an opportunity to perhaps experience the next chapter in my own life …that would be “magical” … and since God is our greatest ” Magician” I am leaving it in His Trusting Hands to guide me. … Continue reading

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Happiness Held is the Seed; Happiness Shared is the Flower

Dear Reader! It is a little after 7 PM and I purposefully waited to write this post, until a flower selection and arrangement had filled two planters skillfully …filled one indoor planter … and one planter that will stay outside … Continue reading

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