Dear Reader:
Saturday when Tommy, Kaitlyn and I went to visit my brother Ben in his new location at Trident Rehab, he was first startled, then somewhat more cohesive as his brain struggled to identify and place everyone in a former life that was quite fragmented now.
But then suddenly I leaned over and stared in Ben’s eyes, picked up his hand squeezing it and said.. clearly and decisively ” I… LOVE … YOU … BEN! ”
I can’t exactly remember his audible response …yet I could feel the ripple instantly flow through him( like an electrical shock) … yet in that one powerful lucid miraculous moment…he said something. along the lines of ” I needed to hear that … I needed to know I was ” loved!”
Upon reflection that evening … back in my room… that one moment of clarity intermingled with the one most powerful truth that exists throughout our lives … the knowledge of truth in the form of knowing and feeling … We ARE LOVED. No one should ever live on Earth without hearing that life/altering proclamation.
There is nothing more powerful in the universe. Nothing! I Love ❤️ You!!!!!!!!!!!
Take a moment and reminisce on the times throughout your life ( from a parent’s first beaming admission to a grandparents’ doting love ❤️ later close friends and one day perhaps a true love.
Those powerful three words touch us where we need it so… we finally feel we are worthy of love … we exist because we are loved!
Even in a cognitively challenged mind… LOVE CONQUERS All… two Cupid arrows between two people- the giver and receiver!

So until tomorrow…

Today….Stop and tell someone ” you love them” … then you, yourself have added more love to the world with the three most powerful words in our universe!

We have shared lots of ups and downs but love keeps us bonded… and love conquers all.
Start this week off with Love, Faith, and Hope… January comes to an end Wednesday… the l-o-n-g-e-s-t month of the year… Hallelujah! Valentines and Easter Bunnies await!
Y’all look like twins…are you?
Why is Ben not where you are, doesn’t your facility have a rehab? Just curious. I hope he has more lucid moments with you!