Mirror Mirror on the Wall … and in the new bedroom cabinet, and two bedroom tables…

A Steal of a Deal!

Dear Reader:

Another miraculous gift arrived yesterday … a highly anticipated bedroom cabinet… to date I have gotten through the past months with plastic stack-up drawers and two glassed table tops on each side of the bed …Kaitlyn had.

Yesterday a friend of Mandy’s connected with a cabinet he was selling-a steal of a deal and it was a glassed cabinet that matched Kaitlyn’s bedside tables. No one would guess it wasn’t part of an original set.

” Sammies” ( cardinals) table top

Walsh and John helped get it over here… fit perfectly! Meant to be!!

Then Mandy “went to town” completely reorganizing the entire bedroom while Walsh and I filled boxes of keep or throwaway…and deciding on each drawers belongings.

The older I get… the less I want materially and clustered surroundings make me claustrophobic. I am changing as much as my surroundings. Less is best in my new world.

I leave a note on my table daily telling anyone who has entered to pick up and take any sweets with them! Too much for one gal! And sweets of all kinds brighten the day!

As you know yesterday my emotions were pretty jumbled but I know God has plans for selling my old home and it will all fall together … in place in His time…. now it is time for me to remain quiet and listen.

So until tomorrow… after I read Patty’s daily thought yesterday I knew God sent me a wink! 😀💗👍

Always… there for us… if we listen!

Have a great day! 👍❤️💗👍

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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1 Response to Mirror Mirror on the Wall … and in the new bedroom cabinet, and two bedroom tables…

  1. Kim Smyth says:

    You have the best assembly of family and friends!! And you are so kind, no wonder everyone loves you! I’ve been a candy junkie lately…but I like the sugar-free kind now that I found out how good Russel stovers sugar-free version and also Werthers makes!!

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