Dear Reader:
Yesterday when I saw a Fed Ex package on my porch… upon my return from the dreaded grocery store weekly run… I couldn’t remember what I ordered-wasn’t expecting anything???
When I first opened it… I simply stared back at this cross-eyed rooster and the first thought that ran through my mind was 1) Why? ( Why in the world did I order this?) and 2) I am in love with this crazy rooster and literally burst out laughing. More than a conversation piece… my little rooster just plain brought me instant joy!!!
And I immediately thought of one line from poet Mary Oliver-
…” If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy… don’t hesitate! Joy is not made to be a crumb! ” I didn’t hesitate… I had tears running down my face I was laughing so hard at this crazy little rooster of mine!
Mary Oliver-simply WOW! What a poet… she intuitively knew how to describe life on so many levels-yet in just plain simple words! My favorite quote ( I imagine is every other fans’ same quote)
” Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ( A question we should ask ourselves each morning)
The quote ( above) could serve as an introduction for this next quote… ” Listen, are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?”
Mary ( who passed away in 2019) I think would have this comment to make about my little rooster-” Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”
So many times I have people ( friends and readers) ask how I can write a post every day… isn’t it a lot of work? Mary Oliver answers this question for me with ” I simply do not distinguish between work and play.” Exactly… writing IS my playtime!
So until tomorrow… my last Mary Oliver quote: ” Love yourself. Then forget it. Then love the world! ”

Today is my favorite day/Winnie the Pooh
… and my Clemson Tigers keep moving forward (filling in holes as they go) …steadfastly still learning while able to pull out another win! It’s a new day and a new breeze ‘a -blowing!’