Dear Reader:
Have you ever thought about how we see God’s handiwork and more importantly His love of diversity?
Starting with the animals… God made them adaptable to live underground, on the ground, in the seas and trees and skies. Each individual animal has its own protective ” mechanisms ” to survive. Then when it came to man… God made man every color of the rainbow -adaptable to sustaining life in every type of terrain found on earth.
And God didn’t play favorites… making only cute penguins or dolphins to inhabit the waters or only cute lambs and sleek horses to enjoy a land of beautiful pastures.
God loves diversity… He loves all His creations in all shapes and sizes from small to tall and little to big. This brings us to our autumn story today-one that I discovered I have re/told every three years exactly…over the last decade. The lesson confirms what we already know. God has a reason for creating everything …just the way it is…

One day a woman was walking through a meadow. As she strolled along contemplating nature, she came upon a field of golden pumpkins.
In the corner of the field stood a majestic oak tree. The woman, weary, sat down under the oak and began to muse about the strange twists in nature. Tiny acorns hung on huge branches and huge pumpkins sat on tiny vines.

She thought- ” GOD made a mistake with Creation! He should have put the small acorns on the tiny vines and the large pumpkins on the huge branches.”
Resting beneath the oak tree… she drifted off to sleep. She was awakened by a tiny acorn bouncing off her nose.
Chuckling to herself… she amended her previous thought… ” Just goes to show that God knew best all along!”

So until tomorrow… I would imagine falling pumpkins would definitely smash one’s nose-requiring a nose job! 😂 Don’t try to second guess God… we will lose!!!
Speaking of acorns… my driveways are completely filled with them… crunch crunch! But look what Mother Nature did to add a little fun!

Yesterday was a big day for my brother Ben ( luncheon and recognition of veterans) and Big Ben -the famous Tower of London clock that was unveiled and did a practice run striking 11 in honor of Remembrance Day.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

A childhood friend posted a picture of 6 leaves…all different colors that came off the same tree…diversity at God’s finest. When we went to USC and Clemson games when Paul and Blake worked with the teams…(4 yrs for Paul and 6+ yrs for Blake) our favorite half time shows were for Veteran’s Day…even at SHS games…makes you grateful and proud to be an American…miss that the patriotic songs are not taught anymore…we learned them all…