Dear Reader:
While reading a recent article, the author ( Cydney Weiner) promoted the idea of ” wintering” … adding that all of us ” winter” – …usually several times in our lives. “Wintering” normally follows life-altering events that send us off on a new path along our earthly journey.
” Wintering” isn’t a sign we have failed or even slipped… it is simply a normal part of the life cycle and more importantly a gateway to the next phase of life. It is a time when we need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable… cleaning out the clutter hidden within us and get a fresh start. It is critical to our well-being.
Weiner uses two different examples in nature to explain the purpose and benefits of ” wintering.” The first is the adorable dormouse.

These creatures’ lives are actually geared around ” wintering.” In the short months they are awake, they are busy layering on fat to be able to sustain and endure the long months when food is scarce. We, too, can use the prosperous times, the good times, to make sure we are ready for the ” winters” in our lives. We need to be mentally and emotionally prepared allowing time for us to practice contemplative moods… reflecting back on the year that has just passed, lessons learned, and preparing new plans for the next year.

By the time leaves are falling off trees in the fall… tiny buds are already forming on branches in protective armor of scales… tiny packages of potential- simple waiting on Mother Nature to give them the go ahead to start opening and blooming.
Trees described as ” dead” in winter sighting bare branches, actually hold tiny secrets on their branches… nothing dies… they are just in their planning stages.

So while ” wintering” this year, take advantage of the time to find small pleasures in the season- sleep late occasionally, eat some comfort foods, take hot baths and showers, and let dark moments teach us lessons in strength … using them as a compass to guide us back to light and spring.
So until tomorrow… wintering is how wisdom is created, when we grow in resilience and compassion, and deepen our capacity for joy!
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

Someone has a birthday today… our own compassionate loving Kaitlyn! The Grinch could have taken a part of Kaitlyn’s heart for his own and she still would have enough for several people! ( and dogs)

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn…