Category Archives: Uncategorized

Looks Can Be Deceiving…

Dear Reader: Wouldn’t you think just by twirling a globe around that we visibly could mentally process the elementary concept that land is quite smaller in vastness than water. I remember, as a child, being slightly disturbed by so much … Continue reading

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” Always be on the Lookout for the Presence of Wonder.”

Dear Reader: Did you know that wonder is the most human of all emotions? Wonder has inspired our greatest achievements in science, art, and religion. It is considered the most important aspect of human nature-being linked with curiosity … it … Continue reading

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Taking Time to Grow Outside Your Own Garden…

Dear Reader: If you are like me… you might be thinking to yourself … why do all the ” experts” pick on ” being comfortable ” … as if it is a negative drawback on one’s personal path through life? … Continue reading

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Out of Darkness and Gloom… We Still Can Bloom…

Dear Reader: ” Winter showers and showers and showers bring a bounty of wildflowers!” Suddenly newspaper headlines are filled with the ” miracle ” of a rare Poppy Super Bloom” replacing earlier pictures of devastating mudslides, floods leaving death and … Continue reading

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Remaining Grateful for the Little ” Scents” I Still Have…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I had a sixty second ” pity party” … when I observed my Confederate Jasmine vines bursting in bloom…so full of blooms this year ( on two white picket decor fences) that they were stretching and lapping … Continue reading

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When “Someday” Becomes Now…

Dear Reader: Doesn’t the thought of ” SOMEDAY ” still bring back images of Snow White singing about the possibility of true love and happiness… since it was first sung in the 1937 Disney animated classic Snow White and the … Continue reading

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” I Had a Hunch”…

Dear Reader: When I came across this expression, while reading a novel a few days ago… it made me stop and remember times in my own life when I experienced and then acted on a hunch. Webster defines the term … Continue reading

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An “Ed-I-Slow” Kind of Day

Dear Reader: Yesterday I awoke with a smile and could hardly wait for the day to begin… I wanted the day to go slowly, not fast… because my date was with an important part of my past! The first year … Continue reading

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Showing Gratitude to the Sun and the Moon…

Dear Reader: What a year we have had with ever-changing bizarre weather patterns! It used to be the weather segment part of news stations was squeezed in right before sports and after headline news. These days, unfortunately, the weather IS … Continue reading

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Don’t Stoop to Their Level…

Dear Reader: I fell over laughing when I read this true quote-a young man had cheated on a young girl, mistreating her terribly… she spent the whole night thinking up mean, spiteful responses to his abrupt hurtful email break-up. By … Continue reading

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