Dear Reader:
Wouldn’t you think just by twirling a globe around that we visibly could mentally process the elementary concept that land is quite smaller in vastness than water.
I remember, as a child, being slightly disturbed by so much water and so little land…would oceans swallow us up one day… without warning? I was awed by the ocean when we went to the beach … and kept a respectful distance from it …building sandcastles. I preferred solid ground.
With Earth Day this week …water seems to be taking top billing. So many statistics leave me disinterested but one grabbed my attention and that is… only 3% of the Earth’s water is fresh water-of that only about 1.2 percent can be used as drinking đź’¦water!
” Water Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink” … these days… the famous line from The Ancient Mariner is becoming more prophetic by the day. So many Americans are used to giving donations to the annual World Water Day Walk or Run for people in third world countries… when the reality is millions of Americans do not have safe drinking water. Poverty, location, broken weather patterns, and funding mismanagements are the culprits.

Most of our water on Earth is found in glaciers, ice caps, and permafrost. Most of our drinking water comes from rivers or streams. And that leads us to the disappearing water levels of major rivers… like the Colorado and Mississippi. And what affects man… affects all animals who live on Earth also.
Humans can exist without food for about a month …but only a week from lack of water.

I find it interesting that the term ” waters” first appears in scripture from Genesis 1:2. Right after the ” Beginning ” when God created the heaven and earth. ”
” And the earth was without form , and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
We first meet God, not in light but darkness and not on solid ground but moving upon the face of waters. It is only in the third verse that light appears.
I can’t think of anything scarier than being in the waters ( ocean) amid complete darkness with no land form to swim towards and no light to guide us. And yet… it is here that God first dwells.
So until tomorrow… Remember… God gave us everything we needed for life… as stewards of our planet… He entrusted it to us/ we are the only ones to blame for poisoning and greedily destroying our blue planet … now it is up to us to save it for our children and the creatures of Earth -along with the generations yet to come. Let’s pray we are in time…. for the beauty of the Earth.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

But somehow Pip’s giraffe play bone disappeared … bad baby brother George! It’s Pip’s birthday!! ( He escaped with the evidence)

Wow…scary facts. I always contribute to Walk for Water but never thought about people in the US being without water…scary.