Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moonlight and Roses

Dear Reader: Easter night I had a ” Lost” dream that seemed to go on eternally! I was a teacher going down a long, winding hall to find my classroom… I could hear young voices… my students I assumed …but … Continue reading

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What A Memorable and Blessed Easter

Dear Reader: Whew! This Easter Family Gathering was one for the memories… preceding …the Easter luncheon. Plans were made weeks ago and then un-made due to Mother Nature and most recently a bizarre incident/ accident out of human control. So … Continue reading

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” Rabbit! Rabbit!” It’s Resurrection Day!

Dear Reader: The title picture today just made me smile… bringing the Easter Bunny and the Risen Christ together on this most miraculous of days. Immediately it reminded me of my favorite children’s Easter book -Easter Bunny’s Amazing Day. The … Continue reading

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Look Inward … for the Answers

Dear Reader: Haven’t storytellers, from the beginning of time… recognized a central theme that is still played over and over again today in almost every Disney children’s production. And that theme is… whatever you are looking for to make you … Continue reading

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Don’t Leave Life… Without It…

Dear Reader: As I reassembled the Easter Tomb scene that I ordered last year… I realized that in the big picture Jesus’ beginning and ending had come, like life, full circle. I felt like I was putting a Christmas Nativity … Continue reading

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Be Present… Not Perfect

Dear Reader: How many times over a lifetime have we felt reluctant to attend some type of a gathering for many diversified reasons…. Perhaps we’re afraid of being dressed inappropriately, not looking perfect in our own eyes, or not knowing … Continue reading

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Unexpected Treasures at Home …

Dear Reader: I have discovered over the years that I am the best treasure hider in the world. I put something I love in a ” secure” location like a specified drawer or cabinet… only to discover ( at a … Continue reading

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Starry Starry Night … Do You Read Me?

Dear Reader: Like all children… I still remember the mind-boggling sensation of looking up at the stars at night and listening to the stories man has written across the universe since the beginning of time. Socrates was right-” Wonder… this … Continue reading

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When Our Story Is Revealed Backwards…

Dear Reader: Since first hearing this quote while visiting Denmark in a teacher exchange, I have been intrigued by the concept. I think the secret behind Soren Kiekkegaard( Danish philosopher, theologian, philosopher, poet and religious author’s title quote) is found … Continue reading

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Stop the Race… Just Breathe!

Dear Reader: Don’t we all get to different benchmarks in our lives… and wish we could drop out of our daily race … that seems suddenly too repetitive and too demanding of our precious time called life? I find it … Continue reading

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