Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Wondrous Mysteries of the Universe…

Dear Reader: It doesn’t happen very often … an observation in our natural world that leaves us puzzled and excited at the same time. After guessing and surmising about the possibilities of certain phenomena… we realize some mysteries are meant … Continue reading

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Behind Every Strong Person is a Story that Gave Them No Choice…

Dear Reader: A wonderful ” God Wink” appeared in the final few minutes of our last Ya Ya Edisto Reunion Day… ( yesterday) in the form of a comment from a reader- Helen Willis. She ” just happened” upon one … Continue reading

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Love One Another…

Dear Reader: There is no doubt that the Ya’s complete each other… and as we grow older together (and hopefully wiser) in our understanding of the important things in life… we know how fortunate we were that God gave us … Continue reading

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Toogoodoo Forever…

Dear Reader: You might remember a couple of years ago I began researching names unique to the Edisto Island and it’s surrounding areas. This research has unveiled interesting unknown facts buried in the past… The first name was Dawhoo -the … Continue reading

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Piecing Together Our Puzzle of Life

Dear Reader: One of the delights of convening bi-annually with friends who “knew us when” is that we can help each other fill in the missing pieces of each of our life puzzles. We met as eighteen-year-olds … just starting … Continue reading

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Push ” Pause” for Peace

Dear Reader: There is a reason why ” our” beach house is named” Rest in Peace” … it is the most needed retreat escape … a place where we can push the ” pause” button on life, on the news, … Continue reading

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The ” Ya Ya” Retreat Conference

Dear Reader: All the world’s problems are discussed and assimilated here at our bi-annual gatherings. We ” Ya” diplomatic representatives have decided that if we could get the world’s major players to ” Rest in Peace” on beautiful Edisto Island … Continue reading

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A ” Magnolia” Reunion…

Dear Reader: It is the first day of our Ya 2023 Spring Reunion at ( none-other) than our favorite haunt at Edisto… Rest in Peace. As I have gazed through old reunion snapshots …this year’s date appears to be our … Continue reading

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Dust, Sunbeams and a Pale Blue Dot… Home to Us

Dear Reader: I can think of no better way to end Earth Day Week and it’s invaluable lessons, than with Carl Sagan and a discovery made by Voyager 1 on Valentine’s Day 1990. ” Everyone you love, everyone you know, … Continue reading

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” Wildflowers, Wildflowers….My Kingdom for Wildflowers…”

Dear Reader: It wasn’t until Anne and I attended the International Creativity Workshop in Provence ( almost two decades ago-yikes!) that I understood the quote ” To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower-William … Continue reading

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