Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Importance of a Sanctuary In our Lives

Dear Reader: It wasn’t until ‘the bug (s) from hell‘ came along recently that I, now, fully understand the importance of having a “sanctuary” in or around our homes.  The term sanctuary can be a safe place of refuge or … Continue reading

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Finding Our Way Back Home

( Postcard- “The Little White Church” Eaton, NH) Dear Reader: I came across this notecard, while looking for a frame for a special water color “extraordinaire” Eva Cate is getting for her sixth birthday and kindergarten graduation. (More details later) … Continue reading

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We Should Write our Life’s Plans in Pencil

Dear Reader: Spring Creek runs behind and around  St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope… thus giving its name to the small community that calls this area home…the Spring Creek Community. Most of the time the creek creates a soothing meditative state … Continue reading

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Always Hang on to the Bat

Dear Reader: While I have been “under the weather” as we southerners like to say…I have done a lot of reading and watching some television. Still, there has been long bouts of time remaining that have allowed me to return … Continue reading

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“A Blustery Kind of Day”

Dear Reader: I am not a big fan of “blustery days”…on many levels. Teachers are part-time meteorologists/astrologers when it comes to understanding the connection between the weather and their students’ behavior…or lack of….  Experienced teachers know that a blustery day … Continue reading

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..”Still Sit Up and Take Nourishment”

Dear Reader: I remember one of Poppy’s (Mr. Dingle) favorite responses when asked how he was doing was to respond, “Couldn’t be better…I can still sit up and take nourishment.” (We all knew it was coming but always laughed anyway!) *And … Continue reading

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Grasping the Unknown

Dear Reader: The other day I came across a line of scripture that made me stop and re-think the close connection between letting go and grasping the unknown…a close connection but a long leap of faith I press on to … Continue reading

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A Belated Thank You Note to “Little c”

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I was catching up writing some notes to friends and family…consisting of sympathy, birthday, and new home/move cards. After I had finished I went out on the deck (with my heavy bathrobe on…burr!) and my heart … Continue reading

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The Reverent and All-knowing Gerber Daisy

Dear Reader: Don’t you love Gerber Daisies? Their beautiful little smiling faces just make you smile walking by. Over the years I have planted more and more of them and this year I am reaping the rewards for the earlier … Continue reading

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Finding Our “Nourishing” Niche

Dear Reader: I will mark this day on my potting calendar….April 4, 2016….my first potting project begins in my new semi-renovated potting shed.! I found this astrological moon calendar….just perfect for planting the moon flower seeds. My first potting endeavor … Continue reading

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