A Belated Thank You Note to “Little c”


Dear Reader:

Yesterday morning I was catching up writing some notes to friends and family…consisting of sympathy, birthday, and new home/move cards. After I had finished I went out on the deck (with my heavy bathrobe on…burr!) and my heart lit up.

The early morning sun’s rays  caught Jakie’s Japanese Maple in its cross-hairs and Moses’ burning bush could not have been more spectacular. It appeared to be on fire! Just breath-taking!

Later when I talked to Mandy I told her about the experience and told her that I thought everything was going to be fine with Jakie. (From birth he has had allergy problems which expanded with age….allergic to milk, eggs, and nuts. Now he has to have breathing treatments for environmental/seasonal allergies.)

Obviously it causes a considerable amount of concern and watchfulness to stay on top of all this….and it has put Jakie in a very low category for  appropriate age weight which is worrisome to his family.

I remember when this tree sapling was first planted, along with Lachlan’s and Rutledge’s trees… Jakie’s looked kind of funny. Instead of just one sturdy stem emerging from its roots it had three branches growing out. One person’a advice was to go ahead and divide it or cut off a couple of stems so all the energy could go towards the one major artery. Another friend told me to leave it alone….nature would right it if needed (after all Mother Nature is pretty good at doing what is best) and that is what happened. *Thanks Anne for the advice

The little “Jakie” tree has such a strong foundation with three major stem/branches it is a force to be reckoned with….I told Mandy that I thought it was symbolic of Jakie’s health problems…a slow start but one day he will be a force to reckoned with in his own right.

A few years ago I never would have thought like that….I never saw everyday miracles happening right in front of me….but all that has changed since my encounter with “Little c.” (breast cancer) So today I want to send a belated, special thank you to it.

Dear Little c” 

Let me apologize for not sending you this card of appreciation earlier but sometimes, when it comes to dealing with you, it takes time to process all that is happening.

After all…it’s not as if I invited you into my life. Don’t take it personally but I always thought just ‘other people’ got invited to join your club. So when my invitation arrived…I must admit I was pretty shocked…actually, downright dumb-founded. 

Also, frankly at first I was quite intimidated by you…you appeared ‘bigger than life’ (producing a shadow that started blocking out the sun in mine) and your influence completely turned my life upside down.

Most days started with doctor visits which had been pretty rare in my other life. Then came ‘treatments.’ All kinds of them….chemo, radiation, and three surgeries. It didn’t leave much time or energy to think about you directly….I went through a long period of  simply “reacting” to all the medical stimuli aimed at me,  rather than processing the subtle but important changes coming into my life.

Membership in your club forced me to look at what I wanted to leave behind in my life….what was something that I could do to make the world a better place before departing? And then came the benchmark day of all benchmark days when St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope came into my life and for the first time I understood what my mission was. Do you know how freeing that is? Without you, “Little c” it wouldn’t have happened. 

And today?…I don’t hear from you much…I don’t know if you are still hiding somewhere deep inside or if I have been officially kicked out of your club but what I do know is that my life has never been the same since meeting you. 

I see miracles everywhere, everyday, I feel God Winks coming at me faster than I can take them in, I see the universe as one and our connection to it…I still hear God’s voice reminding me to trust in Him and hold His Hand. Some mornings I still have to unclench my own fingers from holding on so tightly. 

Where in the world would I be right now without you “Little c”….you taught me about life, love, and miracles. I chose life and love and miracles followed. 


Becky Dingle

P.S. Please take my name off the “Active” List and put it on the “Inactive” list. Then after a certain amount of time (that you deem appropriate) you have my happy permission to exclude me completely from your membership. 


IMG_0843Let me share a “miracle” that I never would have noticed (“BLc”/Before Little c)…Big Red is out-doing itself I am happy to report…clusters of buds are appearing all over the plant. I did, however, have to cut off one stem…It had broken and was hanging off the bench, dragging on the porch floor.

I remember sweeping it and all the dirt over the side of the porch and forgot about it….until yesterday. Once again I was sweeping off the porch and just happened to glance down….the stem fell in just the right position to embed itself in the loose dirt and a baby “Little Red” is alive, and growing ..living near mom but not on it. A happy day all around.  “Big Red” is so proud and I feel like a new grandmother again….Welcome to the family “Little Red.”!

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So until tomorrow…Father, Thank you for the adversities in our lives-they force us to leave our old comfort zones and reach out to hold Your Hand…where  a beautiful new adventure lies waiting on us. It is always worth the journey to get there.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

FullSizeRender* Today’s blog marks the 500th blog since Chapel of Hope Stories Part 2 began in late November 2014. Where does the time go? I’m just here for the ride as long as it lasts and what a wonderful ride it has been so far! Thanks for taking it with me! I love the company!





About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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10 Responses to A Belated Thank You Note to “Little c”

  1. Johnny Johnson says:

    You are so welcome! I think I speak for all of us on the journey that is Chapel of Hope Stories, when I say thank you for your everyday inspiration! I certainly have enjoyed my journey with you. We laugh, we cry, we share concern and worry, but most of all we shar the ultimate love, the love of God! Thank you for reminding me everyday just how much God loves me and all of us.

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Isn’t it wonderful that our little group can share so much love….and we can pass it on and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger? That is my hope for the Chapel of Hope….spreading the love.

  2. Honey Burrell says:

    You are the most amazing person I have ever known! The hope that you have shared with all of us is so incredible. Love you lots,Honey

  3. Ging Edwards says:

    Becky…you never cease to amaze me. You truly walk with God in so many ways. And what a legacy you will hsve…in fact it is humbling to be your friend. Thank you for waking up each dsy with the mission of touching do many lives…Love you.

  4. Jo Dufford says:

    Becky, as I read this today tears of joy came in my eyes. You are the most amazing person I know. Because you chose to live life to the fullest and make a difference to others, life is better for so many other people (some you will never even know). Every day you inspire people in so many different ways because we each get our own message from the blog. It has been such a privilege to wake up each day, read your stories and know there will be something in them that will make my day better. So proud of Big Red and can’t believe the new offspring! I truly love you and thank God for you.

  5. Loved this one! Jan

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