Category Archives: Uncategorized

Investing In Ourselves: Straw or Gold?

Dear Reader: We humans are complicated beings. Most of us recognize our “talents” fairly early….we figure out what subjects we are better in, what interests we possess, what PR skills we possess or don’t…whether we are social creatures or loners … Continue reading

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Embrace the Day…Not the Profits

Dear Reader: “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.” – Carl Sandburg The deck and the garden are the two best purchases I … Continue reading

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Home is Where Your Story Begins…

Dear Reader: A couple of days ago I pulled up the National Storytelling Festival and was amazed at the new International Storytelling Center that has been built right downtown Jonesborough, Tennessee. It is a part performance/theater and part museum/conference area. … Continue reading

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“Do Tell!”

(Sculpture/Gift “The Storyteller” Rene Harris/ADK) Dear Reader: I received this most precious gift as a retirement “memorial” from my ADK sisters. We had gone to Mepkin Abby, as a group, to see the creches and later we all went into … Continue reading

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“Delight of the Day”

Dear Reader: I always check, intermittently, in on one of my favorite blog writers , Kate Wolfe-Jensen to see how she is doing. She has MS and has lost most of her ability to control physical motion….while creatively learning to … Continue reading

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Finding our “Verve”!

Dear Reader: Monday I had lunch with a friend at O’Charlies. We were seated in the bar area and I happened to look up and see this sign. “Come on back for Good Times.” I found myself automatically smiling. Wouldn’t it … Continue reading

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“I Love It When a Plan Comes Together”

  “Personal Photo of the lake at Wakendaw Lakes Subdivision) Dear Reader: One of the most famous lines from the popular television series of the eighties (The A-Team) was spoken by the lead character, Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith,  played by … Continue reading

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Well, “Bless My Blooms”

(Gift from Joan Turner) Dear Reader: Easter has come and gone again….in waves of spring showers. The sun actually peeked out for a few minutes yesterday morning while I was picking  flowers in the garden to take (for everyone) to … Continue reading

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Oh Happy Day! Easter

(Gerdasmitart) Dear Reader: It might take a stretch of imagination to visualize Jesus belting out “Oh what a beautiful morning…Oh what beautiful day”….from the musical Oklahoma…but I feel sure Jesus must have felt that way…on that long ago Sunday morning. … Continue reading

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That Hopping “Hoping” Easter Bunny!

Dear Reader: I thought it just wouldn’t be Easter if we didn’t stop and give thanks for the Easter Bunny too. After all he/she is a very important part of our childhoods. (Much better than the tooth fairy because you … Continue reading

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