Category Archives: Uncategorized

“The Master’s Hand”

Dear Reader: When I was little I was absolutely terrified of piano recitals. I think back then I would have sold my soul to the devil to escape that dreaded annual event of my childhood. I even prayed that I … Continue reading

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“The Quilt”

Dear Reader: When I look at this quilt I cherish it now so much. It was my grandmother Wilson’s homemade quilt…the grandmother who kept me on and off during mother’s recovery from bone cancer. But my appreciation and respect for … Continue reading

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How Much Does a Prayer Weigh?

Dear Reader: Today the Ya’s are all heading up to Saluda and then onto the Pisgah Inn for Matthew’s wedding. We are so excited to be able to share in this special moment with Jackson! While I am away….there will … Continue reading

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“Passionately” Tucking the Flowers In Before I Leave….

Dear Reader: Saying good-bye to my flowers is starting to become as difficult as it is to say good-bye to my children and grandchildren when I leave on mini-vacations. Intellectually I know I will be gone just five days…but emotionally … Continue reading

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Now and then We Need to run, not walk, back to Childhood

Dear Reader: Usually memories of childhood pop up in the most delicious ways! One of the most fun, of course, is letting your children or grandchildren just “go for it” on a summer rain day. Mudpies, mudpuddles and just plain … Continue reading

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The Story Behind a “Petunia”

Dear Reader: My pink petunias are multiplying faster than I can count….they love being nestled in around the day lilies and make great neighbors. As I continue learning and growing, along with my flowers, I like to take time and … Continue reading

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“If You have a Garden and a Library, You have everything you need.”-Cicero

Dear Reader: One lesson gardening has taught me is that it is never too late to plant a seed or plant a tree. Mother’s law of nature embodies humans too in this observation. It is never too late to start … Continue reading

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Waiting and Watching Seasons Unfold in the Garden

Dear Reader: The pink azalea bloom you see in the photo above is the last azalea bloom of the season. It is located right outside my “blog room” and catches my eye first thing each morning (for the last three … Continue reading

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“Wherever You are,There is Something You Love”

Dear Reader: For over a year I have been reading and re-reading A. A. Milne’s classic book: Now We Are Six. The perfect birthday gift for a child turning six. And that is just what Eva Cate will do on … Continue reading

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A Smile for Every Mile Along our Journey

Dear Reader: I think this is my “best side”…at least at the moment. I can walk around with a big yellow smile attached looking perfectly healthy…(if I don’t get a coughing spell.) I would also have to attach spare tissues … Continue reading

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