Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pete and Repeat…

Dear Reader:  “Pete and Repeat were sitting on the fence, Pete fell off…who was left?” (“Pete and Repeat were sitting on the fence, Pete fell off…who was left?’) ETC. ETC. ETC. (Um…Repeat?) As far back as my memory goes ….I … Continue reading

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When Dreams Come True

Dear Reader: Sunday evening as I was showing Anne the garden…she was pointing out the diverse variety of flowering plants, shrubs, and trees that were living in the garden now, the sound of the water fountain gurgling, and the smells … Continue reading

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Move Over Bald Eagle…Here Comes the Bison

Dear Reader: Even though this particular minted nickel stopped distribution in the late 1930’s I remember using it as a child growing up in the fifties and sixties.. It was my favorite coin with the Indian “head” and the buffalo … Continue reading

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When the Road Ends…

Dear Reader: Friday night I found myself engrossed in yet another Ken Burns’ documentary on The National Parks. I have never seen a documentary by this amazing director/producer that didn’t touch me while at the same time educate me. (Just … Continue reading

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Winks and Blinks

Dear Reader: As I watched Eva Cate accepting her kindergarten graduation “diploma” Thursday evening… my thoughts went back over three decades when Mandy graduated from the Summerville Presbyterian Church kindergarten with “Miss” Kitty Murrell as her teacher. Wasn’t it yesterday? … Continue reading

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Promise FulFilled…Time

                    Dear Reader: I would hate to have to count back throughout my life to see how many promises I made and then, unfortunately, how many I kept. Such is not … Continue reading

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Wind, Tunnels, Orange Moon, and a Feather in Her Hair

Dear Reader: There are all kinds of ways to remember special gatherings in life but for me getting to bring home these beautiful calibrachoas to plant in my back yard (by the fence) is the best way I know. Now … Continue reading

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The Cabin in the Woods….Love and Laughter!

Dear Reader: Isn’t there something quite special about the mountains? I’m not sure if all of us just needed a change of scenery quite badly from medical and daily problems….but, for whatever reason, our stay at Brooke and Ted’s mountain … Continue reading

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“The Pearls”

Dear Reader: A week ago Monday when I stopped by Mandy and John’s house to hide Eva Cate’s doll until her party last Saturday I went ahead and gave her the necklace I had bought for her graduation gift. She … Continue reading

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“The Fire”

Dear Reader: About a week ago, before Anne left for Paris, we saw a most unusual thing…..a squirrel carrying a baby squirrel in its mouth. It ran through the garden and dropped the baby off somewhere around the side of … Continue reading

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