Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Not About the Years in our Lives; It’s About the Life in our Years

Dear Reader: I didn’t sleep as well as I thought Monday night because I was still so keyed up…besides I had to try out new dance steps on Dancing with the Stars.  I have an appointment with my oncologist, Dr. … Continue reading

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“A Photograph shouldn’t be just a Picture, It should be a Philosophy”

    Dear Reader: Brooke took this picture as we left my surgeon’s office yesterday afternoon. It literally took me several hours to take in the report Dr. Litton gave back to me. I kept pinching myself….a case of reality … Continue reading

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“Lines” of Cards, Correspondence, and Loved Ones

Dear Reader: Tommy and Kaitlyn came to see me yesterday and we all went to Eva’s for brunch/lunch. It was delicious! I had given Tommy and Kailtyn a gift card to eat there as part of their engagement package. We … Continue reading

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Being Grateful for Gratitude…

Dear Reader: Before coming across this message one day….I am not sure I would have ever put gratitude and fear together in the same thought-wave. They, not only, don’t match as synonyms, they actually feel more polarized …like antonyms. So I … Continue reading

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“Life is Brutiful”

Dear Reader: Kaitlyn sent me this message Friday and I had to read it a couple of times for the meaning to become ingrained. When it came to the part of “Reject the brutal, reject the beauty” I paused..I can’t … Continue reading

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“Slow Me Down Lord to Enjoy Each Moment of Life”

Dear Reader: Isn’t it strange how you can hear or read something and you nod but move on….and then later in life find yourself identifying with every verse written? That happened to me when I came across the poem “Slow … Continue reading

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“Letting Time Breathe in our Lives”

Dear Reader: The other day I came across an excerpt from the book Time and the Soul by Jacob Needleman. It made me stop, pause, and ponder. I love those moments…it is like God leads us to the inspirational thought … Continue reading

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“Down by the Old Mill Stream”

Dear Reader: Yesterday I was surfing the net looking at Autumn pictures when I came across this photograph and felt hauntingly homesick…for childhood again. How many of you remember singing “Down by the Old Mill Stream” when you were young? … Continue reading

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Get Up Every Morning and Get Dressed

Dear Reader: The Ya’s tease me all the time about getting up and being dressed when I walk out in the morning at our retreats. Believe me, it has not always been that way. I could lounge around in pj’s … Continue reading

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“Follow the Yellow Butterflies”

Dear Reader: The first thing we all noticed this time at Edisto (as we got settled into each of our “prescribed” porch chairs) was the appearance of lots of lovely, delicate-looking yellow butterflies. Since the skies were so blue their … Continue reading

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