Being Grateful for Gratitude…


Dear Reader:

Before coming across this message one day….I am not sure I would have ever put gratitude and fear together in the same thought-wave. They, not only, don’t match as synonyms, they actually feel more polarized …like antonyms.

So I pulled up some articles on this strange combination of words and the light began to dawn. These particular lines, in one article by Robbins, got me thinking on the right track:


Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe.

When you truly feel grateful for who you are and for what you have, you can bring what you want into your life easily and effortlessly.

Every dreamer, who is on their journey to achieve their dreams, comes across various types of fears. Nobody can completely eliminate fear from their life, but success comes only to those who go beyond their fears.

But how can we move beyond our fears? The answer is “With Gratitude.”

img_3632-jpgI started mulling these lines over and over in my mind. Usually we think that it is words like courage, boldness, and (yes Rutledge) bravery that push us past our fears, but we can’t expand and incorporate  these words into our daily lives unless we are grateful for ourselves and our roles in life.




img_3862*It helps when your role in life is being Captain America like Rutledge….”Be brave Boo Boo like Captain America” rolls off the tongue more easily.




In order for each of us to recognize the special gift of life we have been given, writing, painting, making friends easily, numbers, words, problem-solving, teaching, building, engineering, conversing, growing plants, caring for animals, caring for others, nursing, etc. we must be filled with gratitude for our gift.

“Because, the moment in which you start thinking about gratitude, that is when you start seeing what you have rather than what you lack.”

In other words we start seeing the “abundance” of gifts we have been given to carry with us along our individuals paths. We are to share these gifts with others because everyone we meet through life is suppose to happen. Either the other person is there to help us, along a slump in our own life, or we are there to help the other person through a similar difficult period.

“People who need people truly are the happiest people in the world.” They are grateful to be sharing life with others. They embrace strangers rather than fear them and this opens up a whole new world of opportunities to grow outwardly and within.

So until tomorrow….By giving thanks and grateful praise to God throughout our lives and then sharing our special blessings bestowed upon us, in the form of individualized gifts, we overcome fear and open up the portal to our dreams.

download-1“Today is my favorite day.” Winnie the Pooh






Brooke’s little grandson, Caleb, a.k.a “Boogie” is playing at Edisto Beach, staying at Ted and Bee’s beach home with Veronica’s family. Rolls are so cute on little babies…wish they stayed that way on older seniors. Keep smiling precious Caleb.







*Honey reminded me the other day, after seeing the image of the rainbow in my back yard, that the first time she took me to St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope a rainbow spread across the sky as we started back around the mountain. I think the rainbow, the other evening, was a special God Wink. All is right in the universe and all is right with you. “It is well, it is well in my soul.”

* I am grateful for all your support thus far in the Race for the Cure.…eight years and still able to participate….so grateful for life and watching my family grow.

Eva Cate in the 2012 Race for the Cure….she hasn’t missed one yet!


***RACE FOR THE CURE – Saturday, 10/15/16.  Gates open at 7:00.  Participate in a morning filled with hope, love and strength as we lace up to run breast cancer out of town!

To mail in a donation, please make checks payable to:
Susan G. Komen® Lowcountry
50 Folly Road Blvd. | Charleston, SC 29407
Phone: (843) 556-8011
Email: [email protected]

fullsizerender* Finally…I was able to actually breathe during a Clemson game this season! Where have you been Clemson Tigers…I have missed you the last two games?….But yesterday you came roaring back and I thoroughly enjoyed eating popcorn and watching you play! Thanks for returning your spirit back into your bodies again and letting them perform all the magic we have come to love. Please don’t leave again, okay?


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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4 Responses to Being Grateful for Gratitude…

  1. Sis Kinney says:

    Good morning, Becky!
    What you said about gratitude is certainly true! When we are grateful, we ARE thinking more about what we have than what we are missing!
    The pix of Rutledge as “Captain America” are just SO cute! He really is a charmer, with those big eyes and that impish smile! Love ’em! (And, Lachlan is also going to be a charmer! They both have those big, big eyes! Actually, ALL of your grands already ARE charmers! Their smiles and their eyes tell it all!!)
    I have to tell you that I have been doing some genealogical research recently, as has one of my cousins; we’re gearing up for our “Ashley/Stebbins” family reunion next summer. And, you’ll never guess what I just discovered: Anthony Ashley-Cooper is my first cousin 10 times removed!!! His mother, Anne Elizabeth (Ashley) Cooper, was the only child of Sir Anthony Ashley, 1st Baronet, and his wife Jane (I think). Sir Anthony Ashley, 1st Baronet, was Anthony Ashley-Cooper’s grandfather, and was my 10th great grandfather. (My maternal grandmother’s maiden name was Ashley; she married a Stebbins.) Anyway, can you tell I’m really excited about this? Knowing that my grandmother’s maiden name was Ashley, I often wondered if there was a connection between the Ashley River and my family.
    Sorry, I guess history really has – finally! – begun to sink into my soul!!
    Much love, and I’m praying for good news tomorrow!!

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Triple Wow! The most important proprietor of all! Anthony Ashley Cooper….two major rivers that make up Charleston named for your descendant….you must take a boat ride down both rivers next time you are in town!

      I remember this odd trivia fact about Lord Anthony Ashley and that was the story of the “gold tube.” It comes from this medical crisis. In May 1668, Ashley became ill, apparently with a hydatid cyst.His secretary, John Locke, recommended an operation that almost certainly saved Ashley’s life and Ashley was grateful to Locke for the rest of his life. As part of the operation, a tube was inserted to drain fluid from the abscess, and after the operation, the physician left the tube in the body, and installed a copper tap to allow for possible future drainage.Cooper had this tube in him until the day he died.

      • Sis Kinney says:

        Wow!!! The first ever “stent” or whatever, right?! Imagine if it was in his ear? Having tubes put in one’s ear today is so common! I imagine this was the precursor of all that kind of “stuff.”
        And, I did not realize that John Locke was Lord Ashley-Cooper’s secretary. Did you know that together they drafted the “Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina”? See:

        So it appears that not only was my first cousin 10 times removed one of the 8 Lords Proprietors, but also a collaborator of John Locke and an author of the beginnings of the constitutions of the colonies of North and South Carolina. (I think that’s what I gleaned from that wikipedia article.)

        Fascinating stuff, history!!!

        Still praying for your good news!

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    Imagine….you ancestor and his friend Locke gave the Founding Fathers the seeds needed to create the Constitution of America. Pretty impressive!

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