Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bountiful Blessings

Dear Reader: The title picture was taken at the church where Ben gave his Veterans Day Presentation Friday at noon. The church put on a light lunch/brunch for the attendees (which was very nice) while Ben gave his message. Each … Continue reading

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A Family Event Revealed: A Special Day

Dear Reader: So much happiness! Tommy and Kaitlyn have decided that May 6, 2017 will be their wedding day. It will be a small family wedding on the beach and I couldn’t be happier! Even though we lost our little … Continue reading

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Daily Miracles at War

Dear Reader: It is Veterans Day and while you are reading this I am in Conway for my brother Ben’s presentation on his soon-to-be published book Grace Under Fire. Those gathered today will be family, friends, congregational members and veterans. … Continue reading

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Grace Under Fire

Dear Reader: Today I am leaving to go to Conway to spend the night and attend a presentation Friday- Veterans Day- (by my brother at his local church) about his memoirs of Vietnam in his book called Grace Under Fire. … Continue reading

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Billy Graham: The Importance of Praying for Our Leaders

Dear Reader: You have probably noticed that I have kept a low profile on the campaign and election of our new President. Friends and politics don’t mix. I am typing today’s blog before noon…so I have no idea who the … Continue reading

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The Secret Key In Our Daily Lives

Dear Reader: What is it about a key that captures our imagination…especially a key without a lock? What could the key go to…a treasure box…a dancing ballerina music box…an old metallic, dusty bank box in the attic filled with old … Continue reading

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The World of You and Me and Possibility….

Dear Reader: I don’t want you to think it has taken me this long to get my DNA report back on my ethnicity and heritage from It actually arrived in late August… right before the avalanche of cataract surgeries, … Continue reading

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“Woo Hoo… I’m Grateful to be Alive!”

Dear Reader: I was reading some thoughts from Kate Wolfe-Jenson the other day and noticed that her blog centered around gratitude also. I think that is why I love the holiday Thanksgiving so much…it makes us all pause and remember … Continue reading

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Your “Thoughty” Thoughts

  Dear Reader: We are off and running with your “thoughty thoughts” on the blessings that have come your way. In chronological order…here are the responses I received back yesterday… (as a request and challenge to share your blessings with … Continue reading

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Boo’s Out; Blessings In!

Dear Reader: Yesterday was spent taking down all my “Boo” signs…it is always a sad day…especially this year…since I “out-booed” myself for sure. It is time to say good-bye to Halloween with all its “boo’s” and hello to blessing and … Continue reading

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