Your “Thoughty” Thoughts



Dear Reader:

We are off and running with your “thoughty thoughts” on the blessings that have come your way. In chronological order…here are the responses I received back yesterday… (as a request and challenge to share your blessings with our readers.) Thank you for your quick response. I loved reading them all throughout the day and evening…each one warmed my heart with love and laughter.

Yesterday morning the first “thoughty thought” arrived around 7:30. It was from Wilma Burgreen:

*Because of this eye problem I am experiencing right now, I am thankful for my eye sight to see all of God’s beautiful creations. Especially the sunrises and sunsets….what masterpieces he creates! My family and friends….the list can go on forever!

Wilma, we will certainly keep you in our prayers that your eye problem clears up so you can continue to “see all of God’s beautiful creations.”

*Next came Pam Stewart who sent this sweet message…she said when she saw this visual message in a daily devotional…she thought of me. It certainly made my day…a wonderful “thoughty” thing to do.


*Next Sis Kinney (who shared her mother’s “thoughty” word with us had this to say:)

I’m tickled that you like the word “thoughty.” It always makes me smile, too, remembering my mother – who died very young (age 64), almost 30 years ago! Whenever I use the word, it just brings up a smile in my remembrance.
As to thoughty thoughts of thanks, I am thankful for these blessings of mine:
–life itself, which I try not to take for granted at all;
–my husband and best friend, Bobby, who has seen me through many crises over our 32 years together and remains my strong supporter and love, no matter what;
–my family and extended family (i.e., friends), without whom I would indeed be bereft of laughter, fun, enjoyment and fulfillment of this life of mine; and
–the opportunity to live in these beautiful, beautiful mountains of God’s creation, where every day just adds more blessings to what we already have in abundance.
I thank God daily for ALL my many, many blessings! And, of course, I now add to all of this a thanks for the surgeon who, I pray, will use his God-given skills to lessen the burden I carry of a heart that needs assistance, so that I may continue to live a fuller and richer life.
And, I thank you, dear Becky, for also being a stalwart friend and for sharing this word that for me has always been so dear. Imagine – a single word that can conjure up all the memories of the woman who nurtured me and helped me to become who I am today and who loved me with no equivocation, as only a mother can do.
And, finally, it was truly thoughty of you to spread the word to your readers about this oddly-coined word!
Much love on this Friday morning, friend.

*(I’m beginning to think that ‘thoughty thoughts’ are like hugs…you can’t give one without getting one back….thank you Sis for the kind words…however it is you…always adding a story or a similar incident that makes me know someone else is on the same thought-wave I am.)

*Gin-g Edwards said her “thoughty thought” involved the “Three F’s”:

“I am thankful for my life…my faith…my family…and my friends.”

( I responded telling her that I thought the letter “F” got a bad rap in school and another alphabetical letter should get its turn at such a negative connotation about failure. We are all believers in the “F” words….how can we be more thankful for any one…than our families, friends…sprinkled and held all together with faith.)

Our wise sage Jo Dufford: (hot off the press this morning)

My blessings are too many to name, but they would certainly include Gin-g’s 3 F’s. God blessed me by letting me born to just the right family, in just the right small town and at just the right time in history. (Because of being a small child during World War II, I grew up when people didn’t have as much, so they did little things together and seem to care so much. They loved their country, their God and seemed to appreciate their blessings more. And then came the great years of peace after the war). I am blessed that I learned at an early age about how God is always in control, and that gives me an assurance especially at a time when there is so much strife. God always has His “thoughty” people willing to “put the little girl’s picture back together” and change the world one person at a time, and that is indeed a blessing for all of us.

Our “thoughty thoughts” on our blessing will run until Thanksgiving…so if you think of a “thoughty” blessing we would love for you to share it.

fullsizerenderIn the last six years I have talked a lot about simplifying and now I keep a wooden sign (beside “Big Red” the geranium) that says the same thing: Simplify.


I have come a long way since my retirement/diagnosis in doing just that…simplifying physically, emotionally and spiritually. It took me awhile to grasp the realization that before we can simplify our faith in God we must first discover who we are and how we want to become part of this beautiful creation God has made for us. It is only then that the channels open up between us and our Creator and He gladly helps guide us through the labyrinth of life.

This short anecdote pretty much nails this concept perfectly:

The Whole World Came Together

The young mother was ready for a few minutes of relaxation after a long and demanding day. However, her young daughter had other plans for her mother’s time.

“Read me a story, Mom,” the little girl requested. “Give Mommy a few minutes to relax and unwind. Then I’ll be happy to read you a story,” pleaded the mother.

The little girl was insistent that Mommy read to her now. With a stroke of genius, the mother tore off the back page of the magazine she was reading. It contained a full-page picture of the world. As she tore it into several pieces, Mom asked her daughter to put the picture together and then she would read her a story. Surely this would buy her considerable relaxing moments.

A short time later, the little girl announced the completion of her puzzle project. To her astonishment, she found the world picture completely assembled. When she asked her daughter how she managed to do it so quickly, the little girl explained that on the reverse side of the page was the picture of a little girl. “You see, Mommy, when I got the little girl together, the whole world came together.”


So until tomorrow…”Let’s get it together by first turning to God in prayer and admitting: “I sure could use a second opinion…besides my own…would you help me God?”

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

14976745_10154455074871001_3012551888007365086_o  This picture of Walsh and Mollie was taken in downtown Charleston a few days ago by her good friend Sarah…always love her pictures and her subjects.

A picture with the whole family smiling…Sarah is a magician! Love it….turns a grandmother’s heart to mush…with all my blessings!



About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Your “Thoughty” Thoughts

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    My blessings are too many to name, but they would certainly include Gin-g’s 3 F’s. God blessed me by letting me born to just the right family, in just the right small town and at just the right time in history. (Because of being a small child during World War II, I grew up when people didn’t have as much, so they did little things together and seem to care so much. They loved their country, their God and seemed to appreciate their blessings more. And then came the great years of peace after the war). I am blessed that I learned at an early age about how God is always in control, and that gives me an assurance especially at a time when there is so much strife. God always has His “thoughty” people willing to “put the little girl’s picture back together” and change the world one person at a time, and that is indeed a blessing for all of us.

    • Becky Dingle says:

      As usual Jo you nailed it…such a wonderful perspective for the period of history we were assigned for our lifetime…it has been an amazing ride….what a blessing. what a thoughty thought.- glad it came early this morning to add it to today’s blog.

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