Category Archives: Uncategorized

All Shall Be Well…

Dear Reader: As children weren’t we always seeking reassurance from our parents, as we let go of one stage of development and reached towards the next one, that we would be okay and come out just fine on the other … Continue reading

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Today…I Wish You a Day of Ordinary Miracles…

Dear Reader: There are just some places that you anticipate seeing items of beauty that mark your day, as well as, your memory…a day of “ordinary” miracles. Yesterday was such a day! I got home from Mt. Pleasant around 8:00…got … Continue reading

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An Adventure…a “Seeking” at Mepkin Abbey

Dear Reader: Sometimes our greatest adventures start in the most ordinary ways. Last week on Lowcountry Live (a local television show) a special segment was being shown about the most haunted places in the lowcountry. I was half-listening to the stories … Continue reading

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A Most Wonderful Halloween Treat!

Dear Reader: Perhaps today, officially Halloween, I might become ‘victim’ to a prank from the grand-kids or receive a “trick” from the universe but no matter…because I have already received enough “treats” to keep me balanced, centered for quite a … Continue reading

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A Five-Star Day!

Dear Reader: In yesterday’s blog entry we were talking about pink stars and super heroes and mentoring roles. In actuality yesterday was spent with Eva Cate as a reward for her earning 5 Stars each day last week at school for … Continue reading

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Dreams of “Pink Tails”…They Do Come True!

Dear Reader: This year for Halloween I had a sort of pink “epiphany.” With the grandchildren so into super heroes….what about Boo Boo dressing up as a super hero who takes on the most dreaded, despicable villain of all? Cancer! (Show … Continue reading

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Do More of What Makes You Happy!

Dear Reader: If I could find the perfect job right now, that would make me the happiest, it would be surprising someone with a little “surcie” for being themselves…caring, wonderful people. Now that makes me happy and that is what … Continue reading

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Pick One: Gratitude or Ingratitude: They Don’t Co-Exist Together in Your Life!

Dear Reader: I caught part of a discussion going on about gratitude and ingratitude within a discussion panel on one of the Hallmark Channels. A young woman was re-telling a story her granddaddy told her…a metaphor about these two types … Continue reading

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Falling in Love with Fall All Over Again

Dear Reader: Have you ever just been going along in life…living it pretty normally and then suddenly you are filled with such happiness and peace that it is momentarily overwhelming? This doesn’t happen often to me, so that is probably … Continue reading

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Free Will and God’s “Suggestions”

Dear Reader: Every day I get to see the “Legend of the Confederate Rose” replayed, like in an outdoor drama, for a private audience…me! You might remember the story (in a nutshell it went like this): Once the Confederate Rose … Continue reading

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