Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Today is a Good Day for a Good Day”

Dear Reader: I have already had a God Wink and I haven’t even started the post. As I was typing the title from the quote… twice I made the same “mistake”… (from letting my fingers get ahead of my brain.) … Continue reading

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 “Make One’s Bed and Lie in It”

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all heard the expression “Well he/she made his bed and now must lie in it.” In other words we must accept the consequences of our actions. It felt good to still have my quilt from the … Continue reading

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Grit and Gratitude

Dear Reader: “Grit” is not a word that is used in everyday jargon, but it is on my favorite “Top Ten” word list. I remember asking my grandmother what “grit” meant one time when I heard her use it in … Continue reading

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The Peepholes in our Lives

Dear Reader: I remember, as a child, watching the old black and white mystery series of shows filmed in the fifties and sixties (both here and in England) that showed occupants of apartments or houses always peeping through their peepholes … Continue reading

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It’s All About Connections

Dear Reader: I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of people in the world.. and I am not referring to  the glass half- full or half- empty folks! Instead there are the people who believe in … Continue reading

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One Month Anniversary

Dear Reader: One month to the day and the orchid Susan gave me is still alive… and still blooming! Those three ice cubes once a week must be the trick! Happy One Month Anniversary Tommy and Kaitlyn! Time flies faster … Continue reading

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Oopsey Daisy

Dear Reader: Patience is still a wonderful virtue but I woke up Sunday morning  and the computer started freezing up on me??? I headed over to John and Mandy’s Sunday afternoon to spend the night to keep Eva Cate Monday- … Continue reading

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Patience…It Paid Off!

Dear Reader: I am beyond excited! Patience has paid off for me in a big way…and truth be told, my “patience” was the only option I had… lesson learned. Some of you might remember that several weeks ago ( a … Continue reading

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Great Things Take Time to Grow

Dear Reader: I don’t remember when I decided to plant a Japanese Maple for each grandchild as they came along…but I am so glad  I did. I can’t think of a better gift than the gift of life…the gift of … Continue reading

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Ordinary Grace

Dear Reader: Quilty as charged…June is here… so the past several days I have stocked up on my summer reading list…between libraries, borrowing/swapping and ordering off Amazon…. the books are pouring in. I talk a lot about de-cluttering and simplifying…having … Continue reading

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